Black Down, G/SE-003 - 280m ASL - SU 919 296 - OS Explorer 133 - 1 SOTA
Friday 11th January 2019 - Black Down G/SE-003 & Butser Hill G/SE-004 I set my alarm for 5am. In the uncomfortable bed in the noisy apartment, I was awake (again) at 0455z. So off I went. After a leisurely breakfast stop at a petrol station on one of the main roads around Petersfield, I arrived at the Tennyson Lane parking spot just as dawn was breaking. This was good because it can be hard to erect an 80m antenna in the dark!
I followed the woodland paths in the general direction of the summit, keeping an eye out in the gloomy early light for the trig. I was QRV at 8am on Black Down G/SE-003. Eight QSOs were made - 4 on 80m FT8, 1 on 80m CW and 3 on 80m SSB. Phil G4OBK got through on all three modes. Partway on the journey back, I drove past Butser Hill G/SE-004 where we would head later.