Hail Storm Hill, G/SP-009 - 477m ASL - SD 835 193 - OS Explorer OL21 - 1 SOTA
Saturday 12th March 2022 - Freeholds Top G/SP-011, Hail Storm Hill G/SP-009, The Cloud G/SP-015 & Macclesfield v Ashton Athletic As I usually do, I selected the trig point on Top of Leach as my target for this walk. This around a mile away from the true summit of Hail Storm Hill, but just 3m lower, and with hardly any drop between them - certainly not anywhere near the 25m that would threaten the activation zone anyway!
It was an overcast but mild and dry morning, so perfectly comfortable for walking and activating.
Contacts came easily using just the handheld on the summit. The highlight undoubtedly being the summit-to-summit with Roger MW0IDX who was operating the special event call GB2OTA, celebrating the 20th anniversay of the SOTA programme. I was good for time, so decided to squeeze The Cloud G/SP-015 in before the football.