Thursday 10th August 2006 - Once Brewed up to Steel Rigg, then
to Bellingham - 15 miles

In the early hours of the morning, I vaguely heard someone chuntering about
pillows, but I was too far out of it to really understand or act accordingly.
When I awoke in the morning, I realised that something was very different.
After a few minutes of making some progress towards consciousness, I realised
that the dormitory had full occupancy; a stark contrast to the several empty
unmade beds in the room when I fell asleep. And Jimmy and myself had
helped ourselves to extra pillows, thinking that they weren't required!
That was what the chuntering was about! The other guys in the room were
still asleep, two of them without pillows. Jimmy and I made a sharp exit.

Over breakfast, Jimmy expressed that he felt really bad about denying another
weary walker his pillow. I did too, but it was too late to do anything
about it now, and in any case, the two pillowless hostellers appeared to be
sleeping soundly enough. After polishing off the hostel breakfast, we
lined up our rucksacks and poles in the large reception area and awaited our
packed lunches. The sun was beating down already, before 9am, with beams
of warm light blinding us through the large windows. At last we got
walking, and we were not done with old Hadrian and his wall yet. But we
had to get to it first, and with Jim G0CQK and daughter Kay long since gone
yesterday, we would have to get there without the luxury of a lift. I was
not relishing this prospect; the lift down in Jim's car the previous afternoon
seemed to reveal a long and tall hill to reascend from the hostel. We set
off in determined fashion, and surprised ourselves by being back on the wall at
Steel Rigg by about 9.30am.

The signs continued to ask us NOT to walk in single file, but to walk either
side of the worn path. This erosion control was in total contrast to the
signs that were encountered on farmland further south. We were treated to
a superb historical site, early into the day's walking when we approached
Milecastle 39. The prospect of this tactically important Roman defence,
set against the wall continuing eastwards, and the waters of Crag Lough below was
most impressive. Hadrian's Wall continued its demands of relentless steep
ups and downs, but we seemed to travel along them much faster than yesterday.
Perhaps this was because we had become physically acclimatised to this terrain,
or perhaps it was more psychological; the fact that we had over twice yesterday's distance to cover was forcing us
to maintain a greater speed. Either way, we were able to clear Hadrian's
Wall midway through the morning and walk northwards once again.
The views back to the wall were initially impressive, but became less so the
further we moved away with the feature widening and thinning out all the time.
The next objective was our first encounter with Wark Forest, We decided to
put in a fast-paced walk through Wark and have lunch somewhere in the clearing
on Haughton Common. The author's notes in the guidebook we were following
indicated that the increasing remoteness and desolation of this area would
encourage us to move on away from it. Not a bit of it. We were
loving being in the northern countryside, walking and surviving, miles away from
anywhere. As we ambled through the first forest section, the attacks from
flies became an incessant annoyance, but we elected to press on rather than
linger to apply repellent. Just as we had hoped, when we emerged from the
trees, the concentration of flies diminished rapidly. We continued across
the common until we felt we were approximately halfway between the forested
section behind and the forested section ahead. The flies had been left
behind, and there was a slight dip in the path which allowed us to sit out of
the wind. The weather was hot and sunny, but with a stiff Easterly breeze
across the common. I made a formal declaration of lunchtime, and unpacked
our youth hostel feast of sandwiches, pasties, fruit, chocolate biscuits, fruit
juice and extra fruit. Yes, the "no crisps please" trick was still working
Shortly after lunch, and resuming our trek, we passed a winged sheepfold on
Haughton Common before re-entering Wark Forest. It was then I read the
notes in the guidebook that this was "an acceptable stopping place for lunch".
Brilliant, we were now keeping up with the pace expected of Pennine Way walkers;
a sharp contrast to that long, long first day just over two weeks ago. We
continued to follow the track weaving northwestwards in and out of forest before
heading out to Longlee Rigg. It was here that we had our first
navigational difficulty for quite some time. The instructions were to bear
right through a gate, supposedly to bring us within sight of a footbridge.
What gate? What footbridge? In any case, we could see that we were
close to the bank of Warks Burn, so we couldn't be far away.
Jimmy's mobile 'phone made a noise and told us of some missed calls and
voicemail messages. We were certainly in areas of low to intermittent
cellular coverage, as expected this far north on the Pennine Way. One of
the messages was from a reporter from the Knutsford Guardian who wanted to do an
article for this week's newspaper. Andrew McCreaddie was keen to speak to
us both at length when I returned the call, and I cautiously viewed the steadily
diminishing credit on Jimmy's pay-as-you-go mobile! I explained to Andrew
that we might be struggling to find mobile top-up outlets, and asked him to call
us back. Call back he did, and seemingly hundreds more questions were
reeled of as he thoroughly researched his piece. The interviews over, we
really needed to be finding the bridge over the burn and progressing. The
afternoon was ticking away again.

Lowstead Farm was an impressive and well looked-after collection of buildings,
and the lady who lived there came out for a chat with us as the Pennine Way
followed the farms' access drive out to the road. The final climb of the
day was shortly upon us, a gentle amble up to Ealingham Rigg. This took us
past the famous Shitlington Crag bunkhouse. I had not told Jimmy about
this area with the eyebrow-raising name, and he was in stitches when he saw the
sign outside the establishment. I was quite surprised when I read the
details of the facility. More than just a bunkhouse, it offered meals, B&B
and other services. An accommodation option of which I was unaware while
planning the trip.

Once past the bunkhouse, we were climbing up the Shitlington Crags themselves,
and walking out onto Ealingham Rigg. Now we could see the town of
Bellingham and the meandering River North Tyne out ahead of us; a couple more
downhill miles and we would be there. The final mile into Bellingham was
somewhat dull being along the B6320 Wark to Bellingham road, which had enough
traffic on it to slightly spoil the end to the day. A photo call on the
bridge into Bellingham proved difficult as we tried to get the shot in between
the frequent passing cars on the narrow crossing. Dropping off the bridge,
we followed the very last stretch of the Pennine Way for the day through the
local recreation ground and up into the town.

There was more to think about in Bellingham. The youth hostel was
self-catering only, so we first visited the Co-op to stock up on items for
tomorrow's breakfast and packed lunch. We had made rather good time today,
so we trotted off uphill, still following the Pennine Way along a road, to the
hostel in order to get settled in before returning to the town centre for a meal
later. I was rather taken aback with the initial appearance of Bellingham
Youth Hostel; a green and white wooden cabin, almost appearing as a secreted
evangelical mission. Walking in, a jolly voice of West Midlands brogue
called out "Just get yourselves settled in and have a shower lads, we'll sort
all the paperwork out later". The volunteer warden, Tony Reece, was in the
middle of having his tea, and his welcome was music to our ears. We didn't
need asking twice, and made a beeline for the bunk beds and showers.
Chatting later to Tony, he revealed that Toke and Bobby had stayed at the hostel
a couple of nights earlier; he recalled them well.
I felt quite stiff and tired while walking back down the hill to Bellingham town
centre later, not something I was used to. A couple of pubs were checked
out, but neither were serving evening meals, so we settled for the less
appealing Cheviot Hotel on the main drag. This establishment, with its
upstairs dining room, lacked the atmosphere of a proper "Pennine Way pub", but
at least some real ale was available, and a couple of pints of "Old Hemp" were
enjoyed with our meal, which was fillet of duck in orange sauce. The food
was acceptable without being stunning, but the dining room was heaving, probably
as a result of neither of the other two pubs doing food that evening.
Jimmy and I took our time over dinner, checking out what Hopkins and Wainwright
had to say about the day just gone and the day ahead tomorrow, in their
respective guidebooks.
The skies were threatening to darken as we emerged the Cheviot Hotel and
commenced our third and final encounter with the road up to the youth hostel.
Jimmy was quickly to bed when we got there, but I sat up with warden Tony, his
mate and another hosteller for a short while to take in something I had not
experienced for what seemed like an age - television news. The security
services had seemingly foiled a terrorist plot to blow up a series of flights
from Heathrow and Gatwick. As expected, virtually all of the ten o'clock
news was given over to this story. My eyes became too heavy to carry their
own weight and I started dosing off into happy dreams about being back in the
countryside tomorrow, with all its blissful ignorance of the depressing real world news.
"Think I'd better go to bed" I grunted after reawakening from yet another microsleep, and struggled to my feet. Tony chuckled and wished me
goodnight. |