Ward Law, GM/SS-119 - 594m ASL - NT 262 159 - OS Explorer 330 - 2 SOTA
Wednesday 7th September 2022 - Ward Law GM/SS-119 & Law Kneis GM/SS-168
We approached along the track that starts at NT 29065 16101, approximately halfway between Ettrick and Tushielaw. Eventually this reached a turning area on a hairpin bend at NT 27071 16015. From this point we headed west on a path through the forest.
Once through the short wooded section, we simply followed the fence up and around to the summit, marked by a large stone cairn.
Again, it was mainly 20m (CW & SSB) for me, and 2m FM for Jimmy. Though we did nip onto each other's bands when S2S opportunities cames up.
We retraced our steps for the descent, and then made our way to Law Kneis GM/SS-168 for the day's second summit.