Baraque Fraiture, ON/ON-010 - 651m ASL - 50 30 5 N 6 5 32 E - NGI
55/7-8 - 8 SOTA
Monday 1st July 2019
It became increasingly apparent that the way to get to do some SOTA in LX was for Jimmy and I to secure a pass-out for the full day - and do all of them! This was agreed and we got up at 5am to make the most of the day. As the route to Luxembourg would take us right past an almost drive-on 8-pointer ON summit, we couldn’t ignore that. Jimmy had no joy with 2m FM, and didn’t for the rest of the day - in fact every summit was qualified by Jimmy on 40m SSB, and by me on 40m CW.
The parking spot for this one was on a little pull-in right beside a very busy dual carriageway. Care would need to be taken rejoining that road later! It was a shortish walk and flattish forest tracks to the nominal highest point. Jimmy then spent some time hunting for possible summit markers. I didn't bother, and went straight to setting up the Bandhopper 4 antenna at a junction of tracks.
We now drove over the border into Luxembourg, for the first time in our lives. The next summit was Steekammchen LX/LX-001.