Ben Macdui, GM/ES-001 - 1301m ASL - NN 989 989 - OS Explorer 403 - 10 SOTA
GM trip day 7 - Wednesday 5th August 2009 - Ben Macdui
GM/ES-001 The route was busy with plenty of walkers, but the going was good, and dare
I say "easy", with the ascent being so graded. The views started to get
really spectacular as we passed over the top of the ridge Miadan Creag an
Leth-choin (1083m ASL), dropped, and began climbing steadily onto Ben Macdui
GM/ES-001, 1309m ASL. After the celebratory photocall at the trig point, we chose where we would
set down. Jimmy erected the SOTA Beam for 2m FM, and I the dipole for 40m
CW. Shortly after, Barry got going on 60m SSB. Lunch was taken in the form
of Baxter's Haggis Broth and haggis flavour oatcakes. Jimmy was pleased to qualify the summit on 2m FM, and I was satisfied with
18 QSOs on 40m CW. After Barry completed his 60m operation and we were about
to head off to the next summit, I flicked on the handheld to hear Helen
GM7AAU/P calling CQ SOTA on 145.500MHz FM, from Creag Thoraraidh GM/NS-133.
This was a nice surprise indeed, a 2m FM S2S contact in this part of the
world! Jimmy soon followed by working Steve GM7AAV/P. It turned out Barry
had already worked the S2S on 60m. After a brief study of the map and compass, we began the descent from Ben Macdui. We could see the whole next section of our route, as it curved around to the left, dropping steeply, before suddenly climbing back up onto Beinn Mheadhoin GM/ES-005. Pleasant walking was savoured on the good and gentle path towards Loch Etchachan. At this col, standing at a "lowly" 950m ASL, we paused for fudge (sugar) before tackling the steep haul onto the second summit. Thanks to the following stations worked on this activation: