Caer Caradoc Hill, G/WB-006 - 459m ASL - SO 477 953 - OS Explorer 217 - 1 SOTA
Saturday 3rd October 2020 - Walton Hill G/CE-002, High Vinnalls G/WB-012, Burrow G/WB-014, Callow Hill G/WB-015 & Caer Caradoc Hill G/WB-006 From Callow Hill G/WB-015, I drove north up the A49, through Chruch Stretton, and then onto a minor road through Lower Botvyle. I parked on a patch of waste ground at SO476961 adjacent to the start of the public footpath heading towards the steep north-western flanks of Caer Caradoc. This led into a steep gulley with running water, which needed to be climbed to attain the main ridge.
Once on the ridge, the full force of a storm wind could be felt. The storm was picking up too, so I resolved to get this activation over and done with as swiftly as possible! I climbed steeply up the ridgeline to the summit, hanging on to my hat, while trying not to be both knocked off my feet, and deafened, by this incredible gale! On the summit I had to use my head position and body shape the best I could to shelter the radio's microphone from the wind. Six QSOs were made, two on FM and four on C4FM. The descent was even harder than the ascent, and every footstep needed to be slowly and carefully placed. The balance and concentration required at all times was quite exhausting! Suffice to say I was more than delighted to be finally inside the warmth, shelter, dry and safety of my car!