Fairfield, G/LD-007 - 873m ASL - NY 358 117 - OS Explorer OL5 - 8 SOTA
For the second leg of Wednesday 23rd July 2008's expedition, from
Red Screes G/LD-017, we had to drop sharply
to Scandale Pass. Our walk was then a fairly long, but easy-ish route towards
Fairfield G/LD-007. Jimmy became my mountain guide, informing me of the the
features we were passing by or over, such as Little Hart Crag, Dove Crag and
Hart Crag.
Priest's Hole Cave was a diversion included as part of the Trail route, but with
two SOTA activations still to go on today's route, Jimmy and I agreed to give it
a miss. At Hart Crag, the ridge narrowed and a steep drop at Rydal Head lurked
to our left. We picked up the increasing frequency and size of the cairns,
indicating that we were on the final approach to Fairfield summit. Indeed, this
was the case, and we settled into the large summit cairn, moulded into a
four-section cross shelter.
Jimmy posted a spot to advise that we would be QRV after lunch, but first we
enjoyed the excellent cheese and ham baguettes prepared for us by the Kirkstone
Pass Inn that morning. We were carrying our usual water bladders plus Kendal
Mint Cake, Nutri-Grain bars and the biscuits from the tea/coffee tray in our
hotel room, so there was no need for the standard packed lunch from the
accommodation. I agreed a price with them for just the sandwich (baguette)
component, and that's what we took. Just nine contacts were made from Fairfield, but that was more than enough for us both to qualify the summit. Perhaps I was a little over cautious running just 500mW from this summit, but with not carrying the FT-817 or a SLAB, I wanted to guarantee we wouldn't run out of power on St Sunday Crag G/LD-010 later that afternoon. It wasn't a problem; nothing worse than a 54 report was received, and we were on foot again by 2.10pm. Now came the bit I was least looking forward to - the descent of Fairfield via Cofa Pike, necessary for the traverse to St Sunday Crag G/LD-010. Thanks to the following stations, all worked on 2m FM with 0.5 watts: