This summit was jointly activated on 10th January 2004 by myself and Riley G7GOD,
accompanied by Jimmy & Liam.
As I arrived at the car park, Keith G0OXV was locking up his motor and setting off up the Offa's Dyke Path to Moel Famau GW/NW-044. As previously arranged, this was the cue for Jimmy, Liam and myself to head the opposite way up Foel Fenlli, with Riley G7GOD catching us up after arrival. We headed up the steep zigzagging path up the hill, so particularly steep in a couple of places that I made a decision to descend via the track around the hillfort to the more graded Offa's Dyke Path. From around halfway up the hill, Riley came into view following behind. We all met at the summit, and I prepared the Yaesu FT-817 while Riley set up his SOTA Beam. We worked three summit-to-summit contacts, followed by regular chaser Graham. There were no further immediate calls from chasers, so knowing that Keith was already on his descent from Moel Famau, we swiftly packed up te gear and headed down to the car park. Thanks to the following stations, all worked on 2m FM with 1 watt: