Easter Saturday 19th April 2014 - Garth Hill GW/SW-034 The final one of the four summits close to Barry was Garth Hill. We parked at ST100829, opposite the start of the steep private road. This tarmac lane serves a couple of properties on the hillside, and doubles as a PROW onto the common and the popular Ridgeway Walk.
Once onto the common, the gradient eased and the views opened up. We curved around to the mound on the summit of Garth Hill. Jimmy went to the trig point and set up for 2m, while Liam and I used the mound as shelter.
After the unconfined joy of seven 12m contacts on Mynydd y Glyn 3 hours earlier, it was back to normal on Garth with a long struggle to get the Challenge multiplier, eventually coming from a QSO with Igor RW3SK on SSB. Thereafter it was onto 20m for six CW contacts. Jimmy managed 8 QSOs on 2m FM, including a couple of S2S.
That evening, it was back to the arcades on Barry Island, and then to the local Brewers' Fayre for the all-you-can-eat "Chicken Feast", which was distinctly average. Back at the hotel, the lads went to their rooms and presumably to bed, while I played my traditional Saturday night game of trying to stay awake through Match of the Day - which as usual, I failed.
We planned to head in the direction of Port Talbort and Mynydd Dinas GW/SW-040 the next morning.