Tom Read - click to email meBDXC ISWL WAB SOTA RSGB IOTA - see my radio page for more detailsLiam & Jimmy

Great Mell Fell 2006


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This summit beat us on Saturday 11th November 2006, and contributed a rare failure to score the points to our activation records!  From the earlier hill of Little Mell Fell G/LD-037, a short drive was made to a farm track SE of Great Mell Fell, near which was room to park at the side of the road. The route here was along the track, over the second stile and follow the steepish (but not as steep as Little Mell earlier) grassy paths which mainly followed the edge of the wood. Richard was keen for the wood to afford him his preferred covert operating style, but its highest point was 27m lower than the summit according to the OS map. So to the summit true it was, where we were viciously reacquainted with the awesome Westerly winds from which we had been sheltered during the ascent.

Jimmy M3EYP/P on Great Mell Fell G/LD-035        Richard G3CWI/P operates from inside his bothy bag on Great Mell Fell G/LD-035

Richard disappeared into his bothy bag for his CW activation, while Jimmy and I set up the FT-817 and SOTA Beam in a horrid hailstorm. It was no good. The conditions were causing a noise floor of up to S9 rendering the 817 as deaf as a post. We briefly spoke to Charlie G0PZO/M, but were prevented from exchanging reports by the increasing noise. Richard completed his requisite contacts to take him to the edge of the SOTA Galaxy - 999 points, and I thrust my VX-7R into his hand as he commenced his descent. From the lower slopes of the hill, he worked Jimmy and I to give us just one contact each for this hill, and we had to admit failure in our mission for two points, but at least we had got the activation for the Uniques table. We were back in Cheshire nice and early at 4pm, and pulled in at The Dun Cow near Chelford for a nice pint of ale to round off the day. Thanks to Richard and Lewis for the company and the lift.  

Thanks to the following station worked, on 2m FM with 2.5 watts:

G3CWI/P Routing Gill Richard T, J