Grange Fell, GM/SS-249 - 319m ASL - NY 244 819 - OS Explorer 323 - 1 SOTA
Sunday 4th September 2022 - White Hill GM/SS-289 & Grange Fell GM/SS-249
From White Hill GM/SS-289 we headed East, back across the A74(M). We parked on a layby on the B7068, adjacent to the entrance to Grange Quarry. The start of the ascent was through the field by the layby, and soon steeply and muddily uphill. The terrain underfoot was difficult - spongy, tussocky, uneven etc. Most of the route was via a series of firebreaks, and pretty slow going.
We were most pleased to reach the trig point in a clearing at the summit! I set up the Alexloop but managed only two HF contacts - one each on 30m CW and 20m CW - and both with F4WBN! Jimmy qualified easily on 2m FM, so I then plugged my handheld into his antenna and got the three contacts I still needed on 2m C4FM.
We found a better route off the hill, got back down to the car. Next was a drive of just under an hour up to the Tushielaw Inn where we were again staying for our trip. As ever, we enjoyed our evening meal and beers, and of course the complimentary single malt left in the rooms! The next hill on the agenda for the following morning was The Wiss GM/SS-122.