White Hill, GM/SS-289 - 250m ASL - NY 038 833 - OS Explorer 322 - 1 SOTA
Sunday 4th September 2022 - White Hill GM/SS-289 & Grange Fell GM/SS-249
Since we were last here, the qualifying Marilyn summit changed from Hightown Hill GM/SS-273 to White Hill GM/SS-289. Surveying by the RHB (Relative Hills of Britain) team determined that the adjacent White Hill was slightly higher.
We drove up the M6 from Macclesfield, stopping for breakfast en route. We drove a short way past the farm at Hightown and intended parking in the small pull in beside the road at NY 03062 83824. However, it was too boggy and I was concerned about being able to drive back off it. Instead, we drove back up the road and parked on the hard standing outside the farmhouses and yard. I looked around for anyone to ask but the whole place was quiet. I placed a note with my mobile number on the dashboard. We entered the track opposite and walked up onto the flanks of Hightown Hill. This, so far, was the same route as that for this predecessor summit. Instead of angling left to follow the broad ridge up to the trig point, we maintained our direction south east to climb onto White Hill and up to the medieval fort summit.
I was using the Alexloop mainly for activations on this holiday, and that gave me a good choice of bands. On this occasion I operated on 40m and 30m CW. Jimmy got all his QSOs on 2m FM, something he always tries to do before "resorting" to HF.
After this nice easy warm-up to our GM holiday, we descended back down to the car. There had been no call received, and the farmhouses and yard still seemed to have no-one around. We got back in the car and made our way to Grange Fell GM/SS-249.