After a successful activation on Little
Mell Fell G/LD-037, on Sunday 10th July 2011, Rob G0HRT followed as I drove the lanes to the parking
spot for Great Mell Fell G/LD-035. I immediately recognised the pull-in by the
start of the track, and a car that was parked there - it had a mag-mount aerial
on it and Pauline (Brian G8ADD's XYL) sat in the driver's seat reading a book.
We walked a short distance along the track before forking right through a gate
and up the hill, initially steep. This then became a more graded walk, but it
was uphill all the way - and a longer way it was too. How on earth I ever
remembered this hill as an easier walk than Little Mell Fell G/LD-037 I'll never
It is an easy walk though, just never in a million years as easy as it's
"Little" neighbour. As Rob and I passed the last clump of trees, we could see
Brian G8ADD beginning his descent from the summit. He had just completed his 2m
FM activation. We grabbed a quick round of photos, at a spot that was probably
close to the edge of the activation zone.
After completing the short distance to the summit cairn, we set up our
respective stations. Again, Rob qualified comfortably on 2m FM including
contacts into Glasgow and S2S into GM/CS and others, while I made 12 QSOs on 30m
CW. QSO totals weren't huge, but this was more of a day to enjoy the lovely
sunshine and stunning views, than to fill logbooks. We both got the points, and
in Rob G0HRT's case, a couple of new activator uniques.
After the descent, Rob decided he was taking a long leisurely drive home via the
Cumbrian coast, while I was making straight back for the M6, so we said our
goodbyes. Progress south was good, and I was astonished not to hit a queue after
junction 33, behind all the traffic joining at 32 after a day out at Blackpool!
Perhaps I beat it! This was my third visit to one or both of the Mells,
but the first time I have properly enjoyed them. So the day was very pleasing
for that reason in particular. Many thanks to all stations worked:
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