Wednesday 9th August 2006 - Greenhead to Steel Rigg, then down
to Once Brewed - 7 miles

It was a good feeling having our "rest days" now coming thick and fast.
Only two days after our easy four-mile morning walk between Garrigill and
Alston, here was our scheduled seven-mile walk to Steel Rigg. It did not
promise to be 'easy' though. However, the first steps of the morning were
very easy. After breakfasting (both on healthy options again) and packing
up in the hostel, we made the short level walk beside the railway line to the
Pennine Way north of the town. We could now enjoy the benefit of our
effort in walking an extra mile and a half the previous afternoon, as we were
starting right on Hadrian's Wall north of Greenhead.

Once we had passed Thirlwall Castle, the gruelling up-down-up-down pattern of
the morning was established. A long grassy climb was followed by a slight
drop towards the Walltown Quarry visitor centre. Several minibuses of
tourists and youth groups were arriving for their history-themed day.
Derek and Emma were spotted; they had started out earlier and used their time to
explore some of the Roman sites in more detail. They were walking all the
way to Bellingham this day, so they were soon pulling out ahead of us at their
customary high speed.
Hadrian's Wall was impressive as it clung to the crests of the earthworks and
hills along this horizontal eastwards line towards Newcastle upon Tyne, or more
truthfully Wallsend. The physical demands on the lungs and the ankles were
incessant, and we became quite tired much earlier in the day than usual.
Thank goodness we didn't have the normal 15 miles to cover. Signs
encouraged us to walk two abreast, either side of the worn path, in order to
avoid erosion of the historically sensitive site.

All the way along the wall, we could see B6318 road running parallel to our
right. We knew that our hostel and pub for the evening would be on that
road. It had just turned midday when we reached the picnic site, a
converted disused quarry at Cawfield Crags. We elected to sit ourselves
down and have an hour-long lunch break and eat all our food items. I
mentioned to Jimmy that the pace at which we were walking today would have to be
increased again tomorrow, as we just wouldn't cover the miles required
otherwise. After a long and lazy rest, we tardily pushed ourselves up on
our walking poles, and recommenced the march to Steel Rigg.

After a couple more sharp ups and downs on the Roman wall, a longer steadier
climb ensued. We knew we were now approaching the highest point of the
day, and the highest point of Hadrian's Wall - Windshields Crags. We were
both looking forward to this, as it would be another encounter with that old
friend the trig point. As we were walking up, a freely moving and casually
dressed chap was walking down. Eye contact increased and I realised that
it was Jim G0CQK from Newcastle upon Tyne, another friend met through the SOTA
programme. "How did you know we would be here now?" I asked. Jim
replied that he had read my 'report so far' that I posted online while in Malham,
and the schedule on my website. He had driven out from Tyneside and walked
westwards from Steel Rigg on the off-chance that he might meet us coming the
other way. Together, we climbed back up to the summit of Windshields Crags
where I got the camera out, and Jim produced a cool bag containing a bottle of
local real ale, and a bottle opener.

Jim's daughter Kay had accompanied him on the walk, and she took over camera
duties on the summit. Jimmy set about trying to convince Kay to study for
her Foundation amateur radio licence. We sat and rested on the pleasant
sunny but breezy summit and enjoyed the beer.

The walk with Jim and Kay down to Steel Rigg car park went very quickly, as
things often do with a change of company to talk to. It was about 2pm in
the afternoon, and Jim offered us a lift down to the youth hostel. Seeing
as none of this bonus transportation would cover any part of the Pennine Way route, we accepted,
for an even earlier-than-anticipated finish to they day. Jim said that he
hoped to see us again in a few days at the end of our walk, and we thanked him
and Kay for coming to see us today.
Once Brewed Youth Hostel was an enormous and very commercial style
establishment. The menu was large and elaborate, and we selected our
evening meals while checking in. A huge lounge with plenty of games and
tourist information was directly ahead. To its right was the large dining
room, and to its left was a games room, heaving with teenagers. We dropped
our gear off in the dormitory and made our beds, before adjourning to the pub
next door. The area of Once Brewed is next to an area, logically named
Twice Brewed. Next door to Once Brewed Youth Hostel is the Twice Brewed
Inn. This pub seemed to have many recommendations, so I was keen to try it
All three of the hand-pulled real ales available on the bar were sampled.
Of these, the Golden Plover was distinctive, but my favourite, and in fact the
best pint of the entire Pennine Way was, appropriately the Teacher's Pet.
Jimmy and I had a game of chess in the bar over our drinks before I took
advantage of the internet cafe to catch up on emails and post a note about our
progress so far on various messageboards. This seemed to nicely fill up
time for the afternoon, before we returned to the hostel for our evening meal.
We had heard that the food at the Once Brewed YHA was particularly good, and I
did enjoy my prawn cocktail starter, as Jimmy did his vegetable soup. The
main course of chicken kiev was acceptable, but somewhat disappointing when
compared the other mouth-watering dishes that were being served.
Satisfaction resumed with the desserts of jam sponge and chocolate chip pudding.
This hostel had a licence to serve beer, but because of this, guests were not
permitted to drink their own alcohol in the hostel. At over £2 for a
bottle of ale, I figured that I was better off with another pint over at the
Twice Brewed Inn, so back there we went. Back yet again at the hostel
later, we killed our remaining time reading brochures in the lounge and scoffing
snacks and chocolate from the vending machine. Only a couple of hours
after tea we were feeling hungry again. We were itching to get started
again in the morning!
There were only three out of eight beds made up in the dormitory when we went to
bed around 10pm, so we pinched an extra pillow each from other bunks. We
then slept very soundly for nine hours, despite the much shorter walking day. |