Tom Read - click to email meBDXC ISWL WAB SOTA RSGB IOTA - see my radio page for more detailsLiam & Jimmy

Hallin Fell 2014


After Cross Fell G/NP-001 on Sunday 11th May 2014, I chose to make my way to Hallin Fell G/LD-043 for only my second activation of that summit. My route took me up the A6 and down the A66, then via minor roads through Pooley Bridge and Howtown. I parked at St Peter's Church, opposite the steep grassy path to the summit.

Andy MM0FMF        Summit of Hallin Fell

I plodded slowly up the relentless green bank, consoling myself with the knowledge that the route was very short. Close to the top, I found a certain Andy M0FMF/P activating on 20m CW and seemingly very much enjoying himself.  I continued up to the large (huge) stone cairn/monument and positioned myself so I could enjoy the spectacular view over Ullswater while activating. Like with Cross Fell earlier, action on 12m was not easy to come by. SOTA President John G3WGV was fairly quick to find and work me, but it was then more than 50 minute before I could attract a second QSO. This came from CT3KN (Madeira), shortly followed by a third from MD0CCE (Isle of Man).

Tom M1EYP        View over Ullswater

I then really struggled to get that all-important fourth contact. In the absence of response to my CQ calls, I tried answering the loud CQ calls from PZ5RA (Suriname) and CO8LY (Cuba). Neither heard me though. A speculative call on S20 (2m FM, VX7R handheld) brought an immediate reply from Geoff G4WHA/M in Penrith. That was the qualification, and I could pack away.

Hallin Fell        Hallin Fell selfie

I was keen to pack up as I had heard several static crashes on the FT-817, and then a distant rumble of thunder from the north. This in mind, and despite the apparent clearing of skies and improving weather, I decided to play it safe, and call time of the day's SOTAing. Besides, if I began my return journey home now, I could call at Westmorland Farm Shops services in the M6 for some tasty food, and listen to commentary of Manchester City vs West Ham United on BBC Radio 5 Live as the Premier League came to its conclusion.










