Horse Head Moor, G/NP-021 - 609m ASL - SD 893 768 - OS Explorer OL30 - 4 SOTA

I was very interested to read this new annual edition of the excellent
MARHOFN (Marilyns Hall of Fame Newsletter)
when it came out early in May 2007. I was particularly interested in the
resurveying which effectively removed Horse Head Moor as a Marilyn, and replaced
it with Birks Fell, now known to be 1m higher.
Inspection of the OS 1:25000 maps of the area revealed that the drop between the
two was up to around 50m, so this would not be a case of renaming the summit, or
updating with new location coordinates. It would mean the end of G/NP-021, and
the introduction of, presumably, G/NP-031.

Now Jimmy M3EYP is currently very tightly focussed on catching up with his
Dad's Uniques record. A few years ago he was similarly focussed on catching up
with my Marilyns ascended record, and he actually did it - but then he went and
got himself licensed, and it all started again!
Horse Head Moor G/NP-021 was one of those that I had activated, accompanied by
Jimmy, but before he was licensed. We hadn't been back since. Upon learning of
the Marilyns changes, Jimmy was very anxious and insistent that we do Horse Head
Moor for SOTA without delay. He was particularly concerned that the English ARM
might be updated while we were away on holiday next week, thus leaving him
permanently one Unique behind his dad.
I left him to be right pain in the neck, incessantly mithering his mum to allow
us an unscheduled day out SOTAing, until she could stand it no more and gave in.
I pretended not to listen and watched the Cup Final. Good job Marianne
understands little about football, otherwise she would have realised that I was
already finding it impossible to concentrate on that dreadful game.
We got away at about 6.40am on the morning of Sunday 20th May 2007, and zoomed
up the A537, A34, M60, M66 and A56, chatting to Dave G3GAH via GB3MN repeater
for virtually all of this first leg. We breakfasted in the McDonalds at Baxenden,
and then continued on the A56, M65, A682, A65, the B6479 through Settle and
Stainforth, thereby turning right onto the minor road between
Pen-y-ghent G/NP-010 and
Fountains Fell G/NP-017 up to Halton Gill. In the bright morning sunshine,
Pen-y-ghent looked magnificent.
We parked in the long layby in Halton Gill, and popped a contribution into
the honesty box. The walk took us a little up the lane, and then right onto the
bridleway which winds its way around to the summit ridge. First, we went left to
the trig point from where we activated last time. This was to locate the cache.
We then doubled back over the bridleway and continued up to the "true" summit of
Horse Head Moor (even though we now know it isn't in Marilyn terms).
A pleasant and relaxed activation was enjoyed by us both, with a mixture of 2m
FM and 2m SSB contacts. Many thanks to the following, all activated on 2m
with 2.5 watts:
Great Whernside NP-008 |
Steve |
FM |
T, J |
Rawdon |
Roger |
FM |
T, J |
Sheffield |
Graham |
T, J |
6km SW of Haverhill |
Nigel |
T, J |
Easington Fell SP-012 |
Rob |
FM |
T, J |
Following descent, we drove southwards via Arncliffe, and then sharp right
northwards through Kettlewell, Buckden and Cray. There was a convenient small
parking spot right opposite the bridleway at 394479. Off we set to
activate Buckden Pike G/NP-009.