So the second summit of Thursday 28th July 2011 was Housedon Hill. From
Ros Hill G/SB-009 we drove north back past
Wooler on the A697, and then via B roads and a minor road down to Reedsford. We
parked off the side of the track at NT894323 and commenced the walk up the farm
track angling north west.
Jimmy insisted on following the route described on Jim G0CQK's SB SOTA region
website to the letter, so we passed through a gate at NT897326 and began a very
steep climb up the grassy slope. This led to the 266m summit at NT902327, not
the true summit, but easily within the activation zone. We all passed across to
the true 267m summit by the wall next to the wood for photos. I remained there
to set up for 40m, while Jimmy returned to the 266m point which appeared to have
a better VHF take-off.
Liam had earned another 10 Nintendo Playcoins, which he set about spending. I
understood the relationship between counted steps and rewards more when Liam
explained that 100 steps = 1 coin up to 1000 steps, then the next was awarded
after 100,000 steps!
40m wasn't in great shape and just 8 QSOs were made on 40m CW. This was
supplemented by a S2S with LX/PA3FYG/P on Kiirchbėsch LX/LX-003 on 40m SSB.
Jimmy M3EYP had come back across to explain that he had only managed one QSO on
2m FM, and asked if he could operate my station. Jimmy soon had the other 3 QSOs
he needed for a qualification by going on 40m SSB, after which I made a couple
of QSOs on that band/mode combo myself.
Before packing up and descending, we both worked Richard GM3CWI/M down in a
campsite in Southern Scotland, using 2m FM. Descent was via a wider loop,
heading down a more graded quadbike track to the wall nearer to the saddle to
the WNW of the summit.
It was still only early afternoon, but we were tired, and rain was expected to
come in from the west. I decided to take the lads for a drive across the
causeway to Holy Island. The timing worked out well, because the tide was
receding and the road had just become passable as we arrived. I would have liked
to have the lads see the sea blocking our progress first as I had done as a 19
year old student in 1989, but the main thing was visiting the island. A walk
around, and a long sit enjoying the sea air beside Lindisfarne Castle was
followed by a pint in the pub.

We were three summits in out of the targeted seven, and everything was going to
plan. A slap up dinner (huge portions and lovely service - recommended) and beer
was enjoyed in the Angel Inn in Wooler that evening. Many thanks to the
following stations:
40m |
CW |
T |
40m |
CW |
T |
40m |
CW |
T |
40m |
CW |
T |
40m |
CW |
T |
40m |
CW |
T |
2m |
FM |
J |
40m |
J |
40m |
J |
40m |
J |
40m |
J |
40m |
J |
Kiirchbėsch LX-003 |
40m |
T, J |
2m |
FM |
T, J |
40m |
CW |
T |
40m |
T |
40m |
T |
40m |
CW |
T |