Kiirchbėsch, LX/LX-003 - 422m ASL - 49 53 29 N 6 13 3 E - Luxembourg
R3 - 4 SOTA
Monday 1st July 2019
Jimmy directed me along increasingly more "rural" roads and tracks through forestry south-east of Longsdorf. As these got steeper, they zigzagged sharply up to a plateau with a wide clearing and large bales of hay. We parked there, then set off walking along more tracks back into the wooded area.
To finally reach the summit, we needed to leave the track and venture into indistinct ground. The highest "lump" was deemed to be the summit, close to the edge of the escarpment with a northerly view. Jimmy set up here while I moved back into a clearer area with more space for the antenna.
Jimmy drew another complete blank on VHF, but easily qualfied on 40m SSB after I had already done so on 40m CW. We packed up, returned to the car, carefully negotiated our way back down to more "substantial" roads, and navigate to the next hill - Grengenwald LX/LX-002.