Grengenwald, LX/LX-002 - 432m ASL - 49 40 30 N 6 12 9 E - Luxembourg
R8 - 4 SOTA
Monday 1st July 2019
The drive from Kiirchbėsch LX/LX-003 took us right past the famous RTL 234kHz longwave array at Junglister. We parked at the 402m spot height on the main road, about 5km SW of Gonderange. We walked along the forest paths to the approximate area of the 432m spot height. This is along one of the paths, but not marked in any way.
After taking some photos at that rather indistinct point, we continued a couple of kilometres or so to where Jimmy had researched there was a picnic table to afford some comfortable operating. We set up there, and as usual Jimmy didn't raise any activity on VHF! Qualification was again simple for us both on 40m though. We were surprised to have a car drive past our operating position, coming from the other direction of the path to our walking route.
Everything was going well and we remained on schedule to complete all the LX summits and be back in Liege in reasonable time for an evening out with the family. But next, it was over to our fourth and final LX summit of the day - Widderbierg LX/LX-004.