Lingmoor Fell, G/LD-040 - 469m ASL - NY 302 046 - OS Explorer OL6 - 1 SOTA
"Diary of a Madman" - part 2 After Holme Fell G/LD-051 on Tuesday 1st
June 2010, Jimmy instructed me to drive back down the long cul-de-sac to to the
Ambleside-Coniston road, and turn left. And left again through Little Langdale.
A right turn, and soon I was up to the NT car park opposite Blea Tarn. Yikes!
£3.40 to park. Yikes! For 2 hours. For 4 hours it was £4.40, while £5.40 was the
all day rate. I reluctantly posted £4.40 worth of shrapnel through the slot, and
grumpily trudged up the lane with a rucksack on my back and a great big chip on
my shoulder. My mood soon lifted. Instead of thinking of my £4.40 as a rip off to park for
what would turn out to be three hours, I chose to instead consider it as my
contribution to the NT for all the enjoyment I have on its property. Considering
all the times I walk and play radio on The Cloud G/SP-015 for free, I decided I
was getting exceptional value for money, and put a spring back into my stride.
Despite the mediocrity of the morning performance, I set up the 40m dipole
again, while Jimmy did his 2m FM thing. I was soon regretting not swapping the
40m aerial for the 30m or something else, for 40m was dead. A CQ call on
7.032MHz CW produced nothing. A self-spot plus CQ calls still elicited zero.
Listening across the 40m band, and it was deathly quiet, not a signal to be
heard. In contrast, 30m, 20m and 15m were buzzing. I knew I could use the 40m
dipole for 15m, so I self-spotted for 21.022MHz CW, and this time the QSOs came