SOTA MT = "Mells Team".
After a pleasant weekend get-together in the Eden Valley, two of us - Rob G0HRT
and myself - set off up the A6 and down the A66 on the morning of Sunday 10th
July 2011. Most of the intended roads were
signed as 'closed', so a few alternative routes were quickly hatched. We arrived
at the lay-by beside Little Mell Fell G/LD-037 in warm morning sunshine, and
coats and fleeces were consigned to rucksacks.
Rob and I passed through the gate and straight onto the steep hillside,
through which a dirt path with useful footstep imprints provided reasonable
going. I remarked that this ascent seemed surprisingly easy compared to how I
had remembered it, but added that the hideous weather on the last visit may
well, literally, have clouded the memory.
Within minutes we were topping out at the stone trig point and enjoying the
wide-reaching views. I set up the dipole for 30m while Rob got to work on his
vertical for 2m. We both made eleven contacts - all on 2m FM for Rob, including
some S2S, and mine split 8/3 between 30m CW and 10m CW. The descent was even
quicker as I struggled to corroborate the unpleasant and difficult conditions (wx
& radio) of last time - November 2006 - with this splendid little jaunt.
Job done, Rob followed as I drove the lanes to the parking spot for
Great Mell Fell G/LD-035. Thanks
to the following stations:
30m |
CW |
30m |
CW |
30m |
CW |
30m |
CW |
30m |
CW |
30m |
CW |
30m |
CW |
30m |
CW |
10m |
CW |
10m |
CW |
E7HQ |
10m |
CW |