Great Mell Fell, G/LD-035 - 537m ASL - NY 397 254 - OS Explorer OL5 -
Monday 5th October 2020 - Blencathra G/LD-008, High Rigg G/LD-044, Great Mell Fell G/LD-035, Little Mell Fell G/LD-037 & Hallin Fell G/LD-043 After High Rigg G/LD-044, it was over to the Mells, two hills almost always visited as a pair. This meant returning to drive back up the A66, and then south down the A5091 to Matterdale End. Here I turned right and drove up to the parking spot by the track entrance at NY407246. The usual walk was taken, up the track and then right onto the fell at the second gate. This path then gently weaves its way up the fell, flirting with small wooded areas as it does so.
The summit is marked by just a small cairn, but commands pleasing views in all directions. Six QSOs were made from the handheld, three on 2m FM and three on 2m C4FM. The day was going very well in all respects - radio contacts, walking and weather. Next it was over to Little Mell Fell G/LD-037.