Le Mont d'Henri-Chapelle, ON/ON-026 - 354m ASL - 50 40 32 N 5 55 14 E
- NGI 43/1-2 - 2 SOTA
Wednesday 3rd July 2019
Jimmy and I agreed another 0500 local (0300z) get-up in order to bag another couple of ON activations. The first summit was no more than a road beside a tower close to a village. We parked on a side road and walked down to a picnic table where we set up to activate. I made just six QSOs on 40m CW before Jimmy took over and qualified on 40m SSB.
We then drove over to Genk to bag another early morning activation - Noordelijke terril Waterschei, ON/ON-028 - before meeting back up with Maz and Liam in Liege.