Friday 5th June 2020 - Pendle Hill G/SP-005 & Boulsworth Hill - Lad Law G/SP-008 For the second day running, I was up and about before 4am, so able to make the most of the morning. Unusually for midsummer, the drive commenced in darkness. To my surprise, my satnav had decided to reverse the order of my waypoints, so I found myself pulling in beside the looming Pendle Hill just beyond the village of Barley. I followed the inital, fairly level path to the farm, and then chose to bear left and follow the slightly longer, but slightly less steep approach up the side of Pendle.
The 10m band wasn't exactly lively at this early hour, but I wasn't as early as the previous morning, and contacts were much easier to come by. Seven went into the log on 10m FT8 before I drove across to Boulsworth Hill-Lad Law G/SP-009.