My lateness was now compounded by the tricky navigation to the parking spot for Penycloddiau GW/NW-054. No Jimmy, no Jane, how would I cope myself? Not well as it turned out, finding myself on a road crossing the Offa's Dyke Path ridge one road south of the road I wanted!
Eventually, I did manage to find the correct car park and set off up the Offa's Dyke Path. This was very muddy in places, and care was take as it is narrow and right on the edge of a very steep drop to the left. This steep slope is populated by trees but I wouldn't want to chance it even so. "Nearly there" I thought as I climbed the stile onto the open hillside. It turns out it was still further than I recalled.
I was now over 90 minutes behind schedule, but at least the signals were getting
out again - two CW QSOs into Eastern Europe. Then two G stations on SSB, and
finally Phil G4OBK who often calls me in CW on my SSB working frequency! The
return walk saw me use the grassy path down to a lower track before revisiting
the narrow section above the steep wooded hillside. Finally, I drove
across to Mynydd y Cwm GW/NW-076.