Robinson, G/LD-021 - 737m ASL - NY 201 168 - OS Explorer OL4 - 6 SOTA
It was the tenth and final summit activation of our four days in the Lakes.
We set off from Dale Head G/LD-020, trying to spot
the section of this traverse proves so unnerving for our friend Rob G4RQJ. I
presume it must be the first bit, where shortly after leaving Dale Head there is
around 20 feet that must be walked to the left of a large rock with a steep
rocky drop to the left of the path. It is not what I would call an "edge"
though, and with the large rock to hold on to, and the decent flat surface of
the path, it did not unduly concern me, and I am poor with heights myself. We sheltered in front of a large cairn on one of the rocky banks at the summit.
We agreed that we did not think there was a cairn when we were last here four
years ago. This time we set up the beam, thinking that Robinson, like
Lord's Seat, would be a more challenging summit to get
out from. 9 QSOs resulted without difficulty, including GW0DSP who therefore
achieved his target of working us on all of our LD summits on the trip. A
mid-morning snack of mulligatawny soup and blueberry Nutri-Grain was savoured
before we headed back up to Dale Head G/LD-020 on the
return leg. In fact the weather was even worse than earlier on Dale Head, so we dropped down
the hill a little and huddled in front of a small cairn, with the wind now
mainly northerly. A group of women walkers who had passed us on Robinson earlier
waved at us, thus revealing a stone shelter on Dale Head we had completely
missed before. Still, they were in it, so the cairn had to do for Jimmy and I.
As promised, further calls were made on 2m FM in case any chasers still wanted
Dale Head, but there were no replies at all. With both Jimmy and I having the
requisite contacts from earlier, we did not set up the beam, but relaxed and
finished our hot soup, more Nutri-Grains and Kendal Mint Cake. That left us with
an hour's straightforward albeit weary descent to Honister Hause to complete an
excellent and tiring four days of SOTA activating in the Lake District. We were back at Honister shortly after 2pm, a performance we could have done
with in October 2003 when we were struggling to descend from Robinson in
darkness after 6pm at night. An optimistic check at the youth hostel brought the
warden to the door. An optimistic request that we could go in and have a shower
and change, despite checking out earlier that morning was kindly granted, so
that enabled us to achieve a much greater degree of comfort for the journey
home. I also took this opportunity to purchase some bottles of Jennings Sneck
Lifter (5.6%) and strong organic cyder (6.5%) from the hostel shop, to take
home. Thanks to the stations worked from Robinson, all on 2m FM with 5 watts: