The second summit on Friday 23rd August 2013 was Stingwern Hill GW/MW-030. It
was only a short distance as the crow flies from Long
Mountain-Beacon Ring GW/MW-026, but several turnings were needed on small
country lanes, and in several non-direct directions as well!

I parked between two gates opposite the "secret stile" - a half metre section of
unbarbed barbed wire. The access into the field on this PROW is otherwise
completely unmarked, and care needs to be taken on the steep loose bank at the
side of the road, and in climbing the tricky wire fence, even with the barbs

Thereafter it was easy stuff, with a very short and quick climb up a grassy
field to the trig point. A whole field of growing lambs stared at me,
motionless, for a good five minutes, apart from two that appeared to be fighting
with each other. Eventually, I think they sussed I had not brought them food,
and they wandered downhill.

12m was still dead, but at least I didn't have to resort to 2m FM to get the
qualification. Two on SSB, one on PSK31 and two on CW all came from four chasers
in the North West of England. 24MHz was groundwave only it seemed. A brief call
on 2m brought nothing, so it was off to Y Golfa GW/NW-061.
12m |
12m |
12m |
PSK31 |
12m |
CW |
12m |
CW |