Saturday 3rd October 2020 - Walton Hill G/CE-002, High Vinnalls G/WB-012, Burrow G/WB-014, Callow Hill G/WB-015 & Caer Caradoc Hill G/WB-006 In my big August road trip where I activated 48 SOTA summits in one week, there remained eight references in the English Midlands that I didn't get to, but were on the "long list" for the expedition. I reckoned I could polish these off in two day trips from home, and this was the first of those. I was awake very early on the Saturday morning, and on the road around 5am local time. As expected, at this time of day the roads and motorways were very clear, and good progress was made all the way to the other side of Birmingham. From the car park on Walton Hill Road in the Clent Hills, it was an easy ten minute walk to the summit where I set up the 5 element SOTA Beam.
The primary objective was to get at least one C4FM simplex QSO into the log. For this, I would have to be patient. Fortunately, my fifth caller on analogue FM happened to mention that he had C4FM available, so we were able to QSY and get the all-important digital voice contact for the SOTA Flavours Challenge. I could now pack up, descend, and make my way to High Vinnalls G/WB-012, near Ludlow.