Dundry Down, G/SC-010 - 233m ASL - ST 553 667 - OS Explorer 155 - 1 SOTA
SOTA road trip, Day 5 - Wednesday 5th August 2020 From Wentwood GW/SW-033, it was a straightforward drive along the M4 into England and then down the M5 and up to the village of Dundry, just south of the city of Bristol. I parked at the back of the summit site - the opposite side from Dundry village. This makes a short easy walk even shorter and easier, although parking is a bit more of a squeeze.
I set up the 17m GP on the unpleasant rough ground close to the trig point and got on with it. This is not the sort of place that inspires one to lounge around playing radio! QSOs were coming very slowly on 17m CW, but with a couple of 2m FM handheld contacts interspersed, I got the activation qualified. Nothing more to pursue, so I retreated and got on my way to Beacon Batch G/SC-003.