This summit was jointly activated on 13th February 2005 by myself and Richard G3CWI,
accompanied by Liam & Mai Ling.

Jimmy was still poorly. I had resigned myself to not
receiving a Winter Bonus until December. But then, as
Sunday lunch approached, I got a 'phone call from Mr
Sotabeams, and a too-good-to-refuse offer of a late
afternoon bonus raid on the delightful Foel Fenlli
GW/NW-051, and the rare luxury of being a passenger!
Jimmy was getting ready to go to the garden centre with
Marianne, so I didn't trouble him with the details (in fact
the whole episode will remain a state secret as far as Jimmy
is concerned), and just waited for my wife and my firstborn
to leave the house. And wait. And wait. They eventually
disappeared at precisely 15 minutes before the earliest time
that Richard said he might arrive to collect us. Although I
had managed to sneak most of the gear out of the side door
away from Jimmy's attention, we now had a rush on to get
changed and warm the lentil & bacon soup for flask. We were
on the road shortly after 1pm, and were at the car park
between NW-044 and NW-051 by around 2.20pm.
Mai Ling imposed the CWI family tradition by pacesetting the
ascent at a most unreasonable speed. Furthermore, despite
my generous offer to guide the party up my own pleasantly
unsteep route to the summit (Offa's Dyke Path and then cut
back along the earthwork ramparts), Mai Ling insisted on the
steep ascent, and after all, it was her choice of hill
today. I did a deal with her to descend on my route,
considering the ever-growing membership of the SOTA
Tumbletots Society on the descent of this one! Liam and
myself soon gave up trying to match Richard & Mai Ling's
pace, and settled into our preferred steady trudge.

We arrived on summit, with Richard proudly proclaiming he
was on his 21st 80m CW contact. I checked my rucsac, but
unfortunately I had not brought a carton of salt from which
to take a large pinch. Liam and Mai Ling found two plastic
swords in the summit cairn and reenacted battle scenes of
years gone by in between dropping by for soup and hot
chocolate subsistence. Overall, I made 8 contacts, all on
2m FM, and including 4 S2S - Ian G7ADF/P on Gun G/SP-013
(but without prior written permission from EYP, CWI or INK),
G4KKI/P on Pendle Hill G/SP-005, and M3FZK/P & M3HWG/P on
Lowick High Common G/LD-049. We descended on my preferred
route, initially retracing our steps but ignoring the
stairway going off to the right to continue gently around
the earthworks to meet up with the Offa's Dyke Path to the
west of the summit.
During the descent we were watching the arrival of a red
ambulance helicopter to the car park, and it seemed there
had been a serious sledging accident in a field adjacent to
the steeper path. We drove back to Macclesfield, arriving
shortly before 6pm. Thanks to Richard for the invite, and
to Mai Ling for a fine choice of summit. Not to mention 5
points I had assumed had passed me by...
Thanks to the following stations, all worked on 2m FM with 2.5 watts:
Gun SP-013 |
Ian |
Ormskirk |
Keith |
Clitheroe |
Mick |
Pendle Hill SP-005 |
Bill |
Lowick High Common LD-049 |
Alan |
Lowick High Common LD-049 |
Adam |
Dalton-in-Furness |
Sam |
2E0EDX |
Blackpool |
Ian |