Kit Hill, G/DC-003 - 334m ASL - SX 375 713 - OS Explorer 108 - 1 SOTA point
SOTA road trip, Day 6 - Thursday 6th August 2020 From Selworthy Beacon G/SC-005, I drove back down the hill into Minehead for breakfast, and then a long drive to the other side of Dartmoor. The time expended on an unusually long car journey for this road trip, was compensated by the fact that this is a "drive-to-the-top" summit. That proved to be even more welcome as the weather was unpleasant with squally wind, rain and fog. I set up the 17m GP in-between the edge of the car park and the trig point, and hoped for a speedy activation qualification.
My wish came true, and five SOTA chasers all called in for a QSO in a five minute spell. I called QRZ? just twice after the final contact before hurriedly packing away. The next target was another "drive-to" in the form of Christ Cross G/DC-005 back east into Devon.