Lewesdon Hill, G/SC-009 - 279m ASL - ST 437 012 - OS Explorer 116 - 1
SOTA point
Day 8 - Sunday 1st August 2010 (part 2) The ground to our left began to loom up steeply as we passed the first
National Trust sign for Lewesdon Hill. Jimmy insisted we press on forward until
he directed the left turn for the final summit push. Although it had looked
steep, this was more of a graded contouring path, and the summit was attained
without difficulty. The summit plateau was a funny sort of pear shape, with the
highest point right at the thin end. Jimmy used that point to set up for 2m, while I went along into the thicker
part of the plateau to set for 5MHz. I made 8 QSOs on 5MHz, 6 on SSB and 2 on
CW, all inter-G. Jimmy hadn't made a single QSO on 2m FM in that time, but his
first was soon to come. After 2 contacts we was struggling again, but I
encouraged him to be bold and invite himself into an existing net. This was a
regular Sunday afternoon Royal Navy net, and the OMs on frequency were most
welcoming. Jimmy was soon up to six contacts, although the 6th happened to be
his dad who was nearly back at the car! It was during this QSO that I realised, with horror, that the all important
photo-shoot had not taken place. Over the radio, I urged Jimmy to get Craig to
get some shots before they left the summit - at least they had the camera up
there with them!