From Mynydd Llangyndeyrn SW-036 on Monday 20th August 2012, Jimmy directed me through the country lanes in a generally northerly direction, passing over the A48. This took us up towards the village of Horeb, and through some narrow country lanes to some careful parking on a muddy grass verge at SN501282. We walked up the track from that point to beyond the farm buildings before passing through a gate into access land, and doubling back up by the treeline to the summit.
On this occasion, Jimmy 2O0EYP/P had already reached the "nothing doing" conclusion for 2m FM before I had finished erecting the 40m dipole. Therefore, he was first to take control on the HF set-up, and I spotted for him on 40m SSB. With the four qualifying contacts safely in the log, I took over and made four of my own on CW. Surprisingly, there weren't any further calls on an uncharacteristically quiet 40m band. We began to wonder if 20m would be a better option for subsequent activations during this holiday.
We packed up and took the short walk back to the car. I was pleased to have the car off the mud and back onto tarmac, and we set off for Mynydd Cynros GW/MW-034.