Sell Moor Hill, GM/SS-211 - 423m ASL - NT 480 444 - OS Explorer 338 - 1 SOTA
Friday 2nd November 2018 - Sell Moor Hill GM/SS-211 & Black Hill GM/SS-253 Today was a day off in this Scottish leg of the tour. I had hoped to also activate Linton Hill GM/SS-263 and thus repeat the trio done the day after we completed the Pennine Way back in 2006. Not having a similar amount of daylight at my disposal put paid to that. Now I know I do lots of night-time activating, but identifying unfamiliar parking spots and start points is taxing after dark. I had stayed in some lovely theatrical digs in Edinburgh, with a lady called Jane, a retired headteacher. She was very kind and made me supper and gave me a beer when I arrived at 11pm last night, and gave me breakfast in the morning - even though none of this was part of the deal! I then headed south past lots and lots of SOTA-looking hills - I really hoped that M0HGY would be joining me the next time we would tour GM!
The satnav took me up an unfamiliar farm track, so I needed to stop, consult different maps, and turn back. I did then find the long lay-by opposite a small wood, and the start of the route up the very gentle grassy slope of Sell Moor Hill GM/SS-211. It was a stunning day for November. Mild temperature, bright sunshine, not a cloud in the sky and just the slightest breeze - lovely. There were no replies on 2m FM/C4FM, but plenty on 20m. Ten QSOs each were made on FT8 and CW. Next was Black Hill GM/SS-253.