Slieveanorra, GI/AH-003 - 508m ASL - D 134 266 - OSNI Discoverer 5 - 4 SOTA
Thursday 2nd December 2021
It was a very early start for Slieveanorra, but I was keen to collect my first seasonal bonus of the entire year 2021. January to March had been wiped out for the usual lucrative SOTA trips, by the Covid-19 pandemic and association restrictions.
I followed the satnav to where I placed the waypoint, but couldn’t spot the track entrance - and the darkness didn’t help! I backtracked, and found it. An easy walk up the wide gravel track took around 20 minutes.
It was a bit early for anything shorter than 80m, but I managed two QSOs each on 30m and 40m in 25 minutes. One further contact was made on 2m FM before descending.
On the descent route, now in daylight, I took some interest in the information boards about the nature reserve, and the memorial to the US plane crash in World War 2.
A check on the clock allowed me to decide that I had enough time to also activate Cross Slieve GI/AH-011 on the way back down to Ballygally.