South Wales SOTA Trip - Day 3 (part 2) - Tuesday 26th May 2015 We dined at the Bridge End Inn in Talgarth, which was very pleasant. Starters of whitebait, followed by special burgers were enjoyed, and filled us up nicely ahead of a SOTA and contest evening. As is custom, I then followed Jimmy's directions to the parking spot for The Begwns, on the country road around SO162444.
A very short and easy walk of about 600m, with just around 50m of ascent was completed in short order by the three of us. It was a gloriously clear and mild summer evening, and the views over to the Black Mountains were superb. I set up the SOTAbeams SB6 Moxon ready for the contest, while Jimmy erected his trusty SOTAbeams MFD.
Jimmy, as usual, was hanging around for the contest to start, and soon had the summit qualified on 2m FM. I joined in with the VHF action myself when Stewart G0LGS/P appeared from Cleeve Hill G/CE-001. Once 8pm local ticked around, I started looking for contacts on 6m in the RSGB UK Activity Contest, but the first QSO was a while in coming. Jimmy continued calling out, occasionally on 2m FM and adding to his log. When things went a bit quiet for me on 50MHz, Jimmy took over on my station so as to compile an extra entry on behalf of the Tall Trees Contest Group.
Around 10pm, Jimmy packed away his station, grabbed a final contact on 6m, grabbed my car keys and set off back to the car with Liam. After the contest finished, I even worked Jimmy (who was now signing /M from the car) on 2m FM. Walking on my own in the dark, on a featureless grassy hill, I wasn't sure of the direction. Halfway back towards the road, I contacted Jimmy to ask him to turn on the hazard warning lights briefly on the car! It turned out my course was spot on. All that remained was the drive back to Brecon Beacons Youth Hostel for our last of three nights there, ahead of the following morning's trip to Fan Fawr GW/SW-005.