The third summit on Friday 23rd August 2013 was Y Golfa GW/NW-061. From
Stingwern Hill GW/MW-030, I drove up some country
lanes and onto the A458. Just to the left of where I emerged I could see the
sign for Welshpool Golf Club. I drove into the golf club's car park and set off
walking on the PROW across the golf course.
I do very much like Welshpool Golf Club. Most other golf courses I have walked
over (on PROWs of course), I have encountered hostility and suspicion from the
golfers. Few seem to realise that PROWs exists on their course, and they can be
very snobby and irritated if you dare to breath if they are taking a shot within
a couple of miles of you. Prestbury Golf Club was a particularly bad one I seem
to recall, when Jimmy and I walked the 19 mile Macclesfield "Beating
the Bounds" route many years ago:

But Welshpool Golf Club is a different kettle of fish. Whenever you ask one of
the staff for permission to park, it is always cheerfully granted, and all the
members out on course seem to be sociable, friendly and very laid back. And most
importantly, do not appear to have any problem whatsoever with walkers on the
course! The sign stating "Lunches served every day, non-members welcome" was
therefore very tempting, and one day I will provide some custom there I think -
it only seems right! Other signs proclaimed "Welsh Golf Club of the Year 2012" -
which I could well understand.

The slightly undulating route across the course took around ten minutes, and I
was soon setting up the 12m groundplane beside the trig point which overlooks
one of the greens. My first five contacts was with the same four stations worked
on the previous summit, and qualified this one as well. But then there were
signs that the band had at last woken up when OM5DP was the next caller. This
headed up a nice run of 8 QSOs on 12m CW, with 5 DXCCs worked and one S2S - with
Heinz HB9BCB/P on Horntube HB/BE-144. Together with the one PSK31 contact, and
three on SSB, this gave my activation a lofty total of 12 QSOs!
I was doing well for time, and pretty well hitting all my alert times about
right. Therefore the fourth summit of Hope Mountain GW/NW-062
was feasible, but not before I had 'phoned home to see if Liam's GCSE results
had arrived. Indeed they had, and he got the grade C in maths he so yearned for.
Brilliant news, and yet another mathematician in the family - officially!
12m |
12m |
12m |
12m |
PSK31 |
12m |
CW |
12m |
CW |
12m |
CW |
12m |
CW |
12m |
CW |
12m |
CW |
Horntube BE-144 |
12m |
CW |
12m |
CW |