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Will Read is not a statement of intent or boast about his ability to sight-read drum/percussion and vocal scores, it is actually his name. Will is the frontman, vocalist and percussionist of the Yellow Pad Band, and we are fortunate that he has found time for this project in between his other work with Gloria Estefan, Butterfly Jam, Gloria Estefan, Bloodstone and Gloria Estefan.
Thank goodness he left the Showbears, although that group is certain to find fame and fortune of its own after being knocked out in the semi-finals of Britain's Got Talent.
Tom Read is Will's quieter and considerably less talented big brother. He enjoys the Yellow Pad Band gigs for it provides the perfect antedote to his role as Musical Director for the "Chillin' Blues & Hot Rock" band Manatees. Tom is able to take a break from being the nasty "clonemeister" (cf Zappa 1988) confronting fellow musicians with their wrong notes and poor taste. Instead he can concentrate on his bass playing and be on the "receiving end", listening to admonishment from his little brother about his very own wrong notes and poor taste.
Davis had this idea originally. And some four years later, Tom and Will
actually decided to take him up on it. Despite claiming to be a lover of
the quiet life, Nick can be a stereotypically noisy guitarist when gigging and
rehearsing with Manatees. However, with the Yellow Pad Band, Nick is able
to feel completely at home as the quietest guitarist in the North West.
Sonic distortion? Tube screamer? Not here my friend!
For special occasions, the Yellow Pad Band can be augmented with a smooth saxophonist or two - as seen at the Roger Read Heritage Plaque night at MASH Guru. We can also lay our hands (not literally) on some very smooth jazzy vocalists for very smooth jazzy gigs.