Rombalds Moor, G/NP-028 - 402m ASL - SE 114 452 - OS Explorer 297 - 1 SOTA
Saturday 28th May 2022 - Sharp Haw G/NP-029, Rombalds Moor G/NP-028 & gig: The Elevation @ Hazlewood Castle, Tadcaster After Sharp Haw G/NP-029, I was in good time to squeeze another SOTA activation in - albeit a very easy one!
The activation zone is entered the moment you step out of the car on this one, but I wandered up to the summit anyway.
It took a while to get the four QSOs in order to qualify the activation, but I got there in the end!
As I then continued my journey to the other side of Leeds, I couldn't resist indulging in a proper Yorkshire fishcake from a chippy!
Onto the gig. It was a venue I'd played several times before with Alan Shaw's "Galerie" band in the 1990s, but that was a long time ago! And, scarily potentially before any of my bandmates were born!