The Cloud - the full ascent
on video - with cool jazz accompaniment!

I had enjoyed myself considerably on
Ingleborough G/NP-005 just two days previously.
I was in the mood for sitting on summits playing SOTA. So it was that on
the drive home from work on Monday 17th April 2007, I diverted up to Cloudside
and went for a little walk. Thanks to the following stations, all worked
on 2m FM with 2.5 watts:
Macclesfield |
Richard |
Haslingden |
Tony |
2E0BKW |
Leek |
Gareth |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
A second trip of the year, but certainly not the last on
Tuesday 1st May 2007. It was nice to have a S2S with another pointless
individual on another pointless summit - Mike GW0DSP/P on
Hope Mountain GW/NW-062. Thanks to the following stations, all
worked on 2m FM with 2.5 watts:
Bury |
Steve |
Birkenhead |
Charlie |
Macclesfield |
Richard |
Hope Mountain NW-062 |
Mike |
Ellesmere Port |
Barry |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
near Mold |
Kevan |
Number 3 activation from SP-015 this summer, on the way
home from work on Wednesday 2nd May 2007. Warmer than yesterday,
and less wind. Sat in my favourite clump of rocks which affords shelter
from any south-easterly wind, which is what it was again today. With the
setting sun shining right on it, it was a warm little spot. Stunning
views across Cheshire as usual. The railway viaduct beneath, Sutton
Common, Shutlingsloe, Shining Tor, Wincle Minn, Teggs Nose, Jodrell
Bank, Mow Cop, Gun, The Roaches - wonderful.
My VX-7R suffered PMR QRM again. Not sure if this is coming direct or
from the mast on Croker Hill (Sutton Common). Yesterday, heard a
Macclesfield cafe mentioned in these PMR communications, but today they
mentioned Princess Street, which is in city centre Manchester. I
wondered if the Sutton Common mast had anything to do with it because
yesterday (and before when experimenting with 10GHz WBFM stuff) I also
had Signal 1 96.4MHz breaking through. This comes from the Sutton
Common mast.
Anyway, three relaxed contacts on 2m FM, including a chap for whom this
was his first contact after 6 years away from amateur radio - he'd never
heard of SOTA! Also, one reply to my CQ call on 70cm, resulting in a
nice chat. All very pleasant. Many thanks to the following
stations all worked on 2m FM with 2.5 watts, except G6GVI on 70cm FM:
Dukinfield |
John |
Barton |
Don |
Bolton |
Ross |
Mermaid |
Mark |
The Bosley Cloud summer season rolls on. Limited time and
suspect weather meant that it was (yet) another 2m FM handheld activation on
Wednesday 8th May 2007. Plenty of stations worked despite the limited
working conditions on my side, and some nice chats. And the views are always
nice from the summit. The wind was in exactly the opposite direction as last
week, so my usual hiding place at the North Eastern tip of the summit was
"out of bounds". Instead, I sat on the trig facing South East and using the
trig itself for shelter. The following stations were all worked on 2m
FM with 2.5 watts:
Pool Quay |
John |
Allbrighton |
Sean |
Macclesfield |
Richard |
Bury |
Steve |
Heswall |
Alan |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
Ellesmere Port |
Barry |
Tyldesley |
Hugh |
The Bosley Cloud winter season rolls on. Ninth of
May? Rubbish. I got to the Cloudside parking area and my lovely silver
Picasso with its porcupine-like array of antenna across the crest of its
roof looked rather photogenic. I got the camera out and thought "I know
- a SOTAscreens video of
my ascent of this hill". I was confident I could get the whole ascent
from car to trig recorded in the few minutes that my camera might let me
have. Wrong! It stopped just a few feet up the tarmac track, before the
stairs and well before the expanse of National Trust land up to the
I returned the camera to the car and resumed the ascent in fine drizzle,
but much less wind than recently. I reached the trig point, and was
quite comfortable in my Berghaus Goretex jacket which did its job of
keeping the weather outside where it belonged. My Yaesu VX-7R would do
similar when called into action later.
My first call, initially using Jimmy's Yaesu VX-110 was immediately
answered by Mike GW0DSP, who not only spotted me on SOTAwatch, but then
remotely logged for me as my biro was struggling on the waterproof pad.
I hadn't been able to find a pencil in my car prior to the ascent.
Three stations were worked, following which there was a 15 minute void.
I could hear Mick 2E0HJD, but despite my efforts he couldn't hear me. A
couple more stations were worked, before I descended and returned home.
Thanks to the following, all worked on 2m FM with 2.5 watts:
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Ewloe |
Paul |
Wigan |
Peter |
Macclesfield |
Richard |
2E0BKW |
Leek |
Gareth |
My first attempt at a CW activation took place on
Sunday 13th May 2007. It was a most pleasurable experience,
and I hope that the EU CW regulars didn't mind me bedding down on
7.032MHz. I did actually look for alternatives, but couldn't find
anywhere, until a QRL call on 7.032 was unanswered and I tried my
luck there.
The pile-up seemed huge at times, and it was hard to read the calls.
Often, it was the one who called last, or called for that little bit
longer that I went back to, as that was the only bit I heard in the
clear. Perhaps when I get a bit more experienced I will be able to
recognise more calls and handle the pile-ups more fairly.
By the end of the activation, I got down to two stations calling,
then one station calling, and then none. I do hope this was the
pile-up all worked, but apologies to anyone that had to go rather
than wait for all the QRS. Thanks to all the stations for working me
at my speed, which I will endeavour to continue to increase.
54 minutes operating, 18 contacts, 7 DXCCs - GM, LX, DL, F, G, PA,
HB9. I then went onto 2m FM and only made one contact...
CW - it's the future! Many thanks to the following station,
all worked on 40m CW with 5 watts, except for the final contact on
2m FM:
North Kessock |
Cris |
Strassen |
Norby |
Monz |
Suitbert |
Biedenkpof |
Friedrich |
France |
Alain |
Macclesfield |
Richard |
Delden |
Hans |
Zurich |
Fritz |
Bonn |
Philipp |
Juechen |
Paul |
F5CQ |
La Chapelle du Lou |
Rafik |
Oberlungwitz |
Steffen |
Guben |
Frank |
Bavaria |
Gerd |
Zurich |
Ambrosi |
Nimes |
Nicolas |
Hellendoorn |
Ron |
Switzerland |
Ewloe, Queensferry |
Paul |
The next activation was the following day,
Monday 14th May 2007, in the late afternoon. It was
completely different! The stiff wind was back, making it
tricky at times to get the 40m dipole up, and making it rather
chilly across the summit. I "qualified" the activation on CW
with four different DXCCs - PA, HB, DL and HA, Hungary being a
new one for me, and was then called by Fritz DL4FDM. This was
nice, because it was Fritz who gave me my first ever CW chaser
points a few weeks previous. We just about managed to exchange
reports before my battery was exhausted - I hadn't thought it
through, and the FT-817 had been only on trickle charge since
yesterday's activation! I finished the activation with two
contacts on 2m FM:
Delden |
Hans |
Hofstetton |
Niklaus |
Bavaria |
Gerd |
Budapest |
Bischof |
Bensheim |
Fritz |
2E1RSS/M |
M56 near Warrington |
Russ |
Oldham |
Dick |
Another activation after work on Tuesday
15th May 2007, and a much better one. The summit was much
more comfortable with the absence of yesterday's biting
wind, and I was able to set up in a more comfortable
position with a better view. Where it did almost go
pear-shaped was with the battery still not being fully
charged after yesterday's activation. I did catch it in time
though, and was able to work through to the end of the
pile-up on low power. I was rather surprised at the ease
with which I was working into DL, F and HB with just 1 watt.
Despite the EU contacts, the highlights of the activation
were a CW summit-to-summit contact with Mike GW0DSP/P on
Hope Mountain GW/NW-062 and a QSO
with Roy G4SSH/A down in Cornwall. Just three takers on 2m
FM when I switched to that band/mode.
Hope Mountain NW-062 |
Mike |
2m |
FM |
0.5 watts |
Macclesfield |
Richard |
40m |
CW |
2.5 watts |
Oberlungwitz |
Steffen |
40m |
CW |
2.5 watts |
Gretna |
Jim |
40m |
CW |
2.5 watts |
Heiligenberg |
Mike |
40m |
CW |
2.5 watts |
Rostock |
Axel |
40m |
CW |
1 watt |
Hope Mountain NW-062 |
Mike |
40m |
CW |
1 watt |
Reims |
Andy |
40m |
CW |
1 watt |
Cornwall |
Roy |
40m |
CW |
1 watt |
Renens |
Kurt |
40m |
CW |
1 watt |
Enschede |
Frank |
40m |
CW |
1 watt |
Macclesfield |
Richard |
2m |
FM |
1 watt |
Widnes |
Jim |
2m |
FM |
1 watt |
Another one the afternoon of Wednesday 16th May 2007.
But not HF or CW this time though. The combination of the wet weather, and a
deadline to be back to run Liam to cubs decreed that 2m FM handheld style
was the order of the day. Nine pleasant contacts were made, all
remotely logged by Mike GW0DSP, with yours truly having forgotten, again, to
take a pencil in order to realise the benefit of the waterproof notepad!
Many thanks Mike. Although it was very wet and cold, there was little
wind, and it was a quiet and tranquil scene on the summit. The thick mist
was swirling around below, and I rather enjoyed the activation. Thanks
to the following all worked with 2.5 watts except M3PXW and G4BLH on 5
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Connahs Quay |
Helen |
Mold |
Ron |
Biddulph |
Chris |
Ellesmere Port |
Barry |
Macclesfield |
Richard |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
Manchester |
Les |
Brierfield |
Mike |
Well, I had alerted for 7am (06 UTC) on Thursday 17th May 2007, but in all
honesty did not really know if I would actually do a SOTA activation before
work. I'm usually still asleep on a work morning until gone 7am, despite
being able to leap out of bed at 6am on a SOTA morning. Making today a SOTA
morning, therefore, must have made the difference, for I was wide awake at
4.45am, and annoying Marianne with my restlessness. I got up, went
downstairs, had a spot of breakfast, and left the house around 5.30am.
Twenty five minutes later I was at the small parking area on Cloudside, but
it was cold, and the rain very heavy. I was early, so decided to sit it out
for a bit to see if the rain would abate somewhat. With the good take-off to
the north from this spot, I turned the car radio on. A new station,
Oldham Community Radio on 99.7MHz was logged. Switching to medium-wave,
BBC Radio 5 Live was rolling through all the news (Prince Harry,
Madeleine McCann & Gordon Brown) that I had already heard on the drive down
from Macc. Radio London ('Big L') was audible on 1395kHz.
At 6.24am, I decided to strike for the summit. A spot was sent stating "QRV
in 20 mins", and up I went. It was a nice climb so early in the morning with
the thick mist and therefore eerie summit atmosphere. It was pretty wet on
top though, and quite cold. My initial CQ calls around 6.40am (0540
UTC) did not elicit a response, so I went onto the GB3MN repeater, from
where sufficient interest was created to prompt four mobile stations to QSY
in turn to S18. Shortly after 7am (my alert time was for 06UT) the four
stations either side of the Dee Estuary appeared, as they had faithfully
promised to do last night, plus one more mobile who had been tipped off by
the guys on MN repeater. At 7.15am (0615z), I went QRT, and down to the car.
I was pretty wet and cold by now, and looking forward to getting in the car
and whacking the heater up.
By the time I had regained my usual commuting route to work, I was about 25
minutes ahead of my normal schedule, indicating that future pre-work
activations are viable, and could last a little longer in good weather.
Nice activation, and good to work nine stations in half-an-hour, all before
a quarter past seven in the morning! And I remembered my pencil this time,
so although my notepad was soon saturated, I could still write on it, and
the waterproof paper didn't tear - and furthermore, later dried leaving
everything "as written". Thanks to all stations that called; six out of nine
were regular or occasional SOTA chasers; all on 2m FM with 2.5 watts:
Cheadle |
Steve |
John |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Ellesemere Port |
Barry |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
M56 |
Connahs Quay |
Helen |
Friday 18th May 2007: In much better weather today,
only three came on to work me, in contrast to the nine that took pity on me
in horrid weather yesterday. Mind you, today I did not go round
'advertising' my activation on the local repeaters. The weather was
better because it wasn't raining. It was still quite windy and chilly. The
views were good though, and you could see the aeroplanes landing at
Manchester Airport.
In the end, just three contacts on 2m FM, using 5 watts, between 0559 and
0606 UTC. A further ten minutes of calling produced nothing. Maybe it is a
bit on the early side to be honest. Having activated G/SP-015 consecutively
on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. I would rather
like to add Saturday to that, but it will depend on whether I can sneak out
tomorrow evening while the rest of the clan are glued to Doctor Who and that
awful Grease talent show...
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Ellesmere Port |
Barry |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
Saturday (19th May 2007) was indeed added to complete the
week and tot up seven consecutive daily activations. It was a plain
and simple 2m FM handheld (first contact on 2.5 watts, rest on 5 watts)
smash and grab operation. Thanks to the following stations:
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Leicestershire |
John |
Biddulph |
Chris |
Ellesmere Port |
Steve |
2E0BAX |
Macclesfield |
Sean |
Ellesmere Port |
Barry |
Tyldesley |
Hugh |
Keeping the run going to eight consecutive days was
ambitious, with a full SOTA outing planned for the Sunday, 20th May
2007. However, after Jimmy and I had returned from our successful
activations of Horse Head Moor G/NP-021 and
Buckden Pike G/NP-009, I slipped out again for
another evening activation of The Cloud. 5 watts were needed for
M3PXW and G4BLH, but 2.5 watts was sufficient otherwise on this 2m FM
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Ellesmere Port |
Barry |
Wigan |
Ian |
Connahs Quay |
Helen |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
Ewloe |
Paul |
Brierfield |
Mike |
Monday 21st May 2007 was the 9th consecutive daily
activation of The Cloud G/SP-015 was today, and what a damp squib it
turned out to be. Up I went in nice dry and still weather, with a
fully charged FT-817 and looking forward to making lots of CW
contacts. Upon reaching the summit, I managed to unpack most of the
necessary items from my rucksack before I realised that I had
forgotten the pole! Looking around, the most prominent thing was a
flimsy baby tree, no more than 1.5m high. I couldn't see any other
way of getting the wire sufficiently above the ground.
Rather than "make do" with a 2m-only activation, I decided to
descend, collect the pole from the car boot, and reascend. I would
be back within 20 minutes if I did, plus SOTAwatch SPOTlite informed
me that Mike GW0DSP was on 7MHz SSB, which I thought would be fun as
well as the CW. However, just as I was about to descend, a voicemail
appeared on my mobile. It was my wife telling me that my 92 year old
Nanna's younger boyfriend had had a fall and was in hospital, and
that I was needed to pick her up and run her to the hospital for
I would not be returning to play HF after all, so I put out a call
on S20 just so as to record the activation. Steve GW7AAV replied,
and he was the only one.
Went home, had my tea, picked up Nanna, took her to the hospital,
sat in car waiting and worked GB5OML (Macclesfield & DRS special
50th anniversary call), took Nanna home. She had a picture on her
mantelpiece of Jimmy and I at the end of the Pennine Way, and she
told me that she was a keen hiker when she was Jimmy's age.
Apparently, her favourite was to walk with a group of friends from
Macclesfield to Buxton via the Goyt Valley, then back after a meal
via the public footpaths that weave around the main road. That's a
26 mile round trip; I listened with considerable respect!
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
Tuesday 22nd May 2007 was my 15th activation of
The Cloud this year, my 10th in as many days, and my 35th so far
in SOTA. After the necessary disappointment of yesterday, I was
determined to get on 40m CW today. I set up in pleasant warm
weather, and sat in comfy dry grass, leaning against a large
slanting slab of rock.
It took several SOTAwatch self-spots and many minutes of CQing
before the first contact. This came courtesy of Peter ON3WAB,
who was followed by G3VQO, G3CWI and DL4FDM, so good to get four
SOTA CW regulars in the book. A fifth station had seemingly
never heard of SOTA and asked lots of questions.
Unfortunately I answered only a few of them, for my speed was
about half his! Nice afternoon - deserved more
contacts! In the following table, all stations were worked
on 40m CW, VQO and CWI on 500mW, the others on 2.5 watts:
Wakken |
Peter |
Horsham |
Les |
Macclesfield |
Richard |
Bensheim |
Fritz |
Thatcham |
Ian |
I had alerted for an
afternoon-on-the-way-home activation for Wednesday 23rd May
2007, but I was awake at 6am and decided to go early. I
edited my alert time, but probably too early to get the
message through to any potential chasers.
On the way down, I chatted on GB3MN (Manchester/Stockport)
repeater, and members of that net reconvened on 2m simplex
for 3 of my contacts. On the summit, two tents which had
been pitched just prior to my departure yesterday were still
there, so I can assume that NT wardens had not inspected
during the night!
The tents were right by the trig, so I moved over to the
north facing end of the summit, behind some rocks so as not
to awaken the campers. A fourth contact came courtesy of my
friend Phil G6AKK in Macclesfield, and we had a fairly long
chinwag. Phil is a great guy and was the person who took on
teaching Jimmy through his Foundation licence course back in
2005. He asked if Jimmy is still active in the hobby, and
was pleased to hear that he very much is.
On the way down from the summit, I chatted to a station via
the GB3VT (Stoke) who was talking about getting an 817 for
portable work. He wanted to know more about SOTA and was
very enthusiastic. Another recruit it seems. Thanks to
the following stations, all worked on 2m FM with 2.5
Cheadle Hulme |
Steve |
M60 J3 |
John |
Tytherington |
Phil |
Astley |
Keith |
On Thursday 24th May 2007, I proved that
it was indeed just about possible to squeeze in an HF
activation before work. It meant leaving the house at
6.15am BST though, so very little margin for error. It
was actually rather wet as I drove outwards, but on
arrival at Cloudside it was more mist than rain, so not
too bad.
The summit being deserted at this time, I was able to
save some time by setting up right by the trig point and
viewfinder, rather than trying to get out of the way.
Very nice on the radio, with six stations including five
DXCCs (G, F, DL, HB & HA) on 40m CW using just 2.5
watts. QRP HF contacts using CW are so easy it feels
almost like cheating! In fact I was talking to one
experienced activator the previous evening who is
considering quitting CW in disgust at the lack of
challenge it offers ;)
A call on 2m FM before leaving the summit brought in
GW0DSP and GW7AAV to bring the totals to 8 contacts and
6 DXCCs. I chatted to M0FAZ/M again via the
Stoke-on-Trent repeater GB3VT on the way down. He is
intending becoming a SOTA activator, and after hearing
about my contacts, is now intending refreshing his CW!
I made morning briefing at work with 3 minutes to spare.
I will try to add that to my operating time on the next
occasion, and not be so wasteful with my time window!
Thanks to the following, worked on 40m CW with 2.5
watts, and the last two on 2m FM with the same power:
Budapest |
Bischof |
Nimes |
Nicolas |
Sheffield |
Mike |
Dresden |
Bernd |
Landquart |
Fred |
Arosa |
Kenton |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
Friday 25th May 2007: I must
admit I didn't charge the battery up after
yesterday's activation - but I thought there was a
lot more left in it than what I got this morning.
Just two contacts on 40m CW before it expired. 1
watt with GW0DSP and 0.5 watts with DL7RAG, but
after about ten minutes calling CQ with 2.5 watts.
Apologies to DJ5AV who I heard call, but couldn't
reply to. I've had my suspicions about
this battery for a couple of weeks now, so hopefully
I will know one way or the other tomorrow.
A QSY to 2m FM after packing away the pole and
dipole brought in GW0DSP (again) and M3PXW. The
weather started rather wet, but the rain soon lifted
to leave a pleasant misty morning. Shame I then had
to go to work, I could have quite happily sat up
there 'til dinner time.
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Tirschenreuth |
Heinz |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Ellesmere Port |
Barry |
I got the 14th consecutive daily activation in on
Saturday 26th May 2007, but not as I would have
hoped. After the battery concerns, it was fully
discharged yesterday, and then given a full charge.
All initially seemed well with 11.5V showing first
thing this morning. That was down to 7.2V and the
self switch-off of the radio after just 11 minutes
of calling CQ on CW using 2.5 watts. Definitely
duff, and about to go in the post to the retailer
from whom I purchased it just a few weeks ago.
Summit was "qualified" with four contacts on 2m FM.
VHF was extremely quiet this morning. A short
drive back to Macclesfield, and then onto Manchester
Airport, and then out to EA8 Fuerteventura for a
week's holiday. The 14 consecutive days would
not be added to!
Worsley |
Kevin |
M6 Stafford |
Phil |
Pool Quay |
John |
Telford |
George |
The return from our holiday in
the Canarian sun, on 3rd June 2007, was the cue
for me to return to SP-015. The holiday in
EA8 land, which included an excellent climb up
the volcano on the uninhabited Isla de Lobos
(steep sided and only 2m wide at the top - a bit
airy!), lots of Tropical beer, tapas and seafood
paella was superb. I returned to The Cloud
on Sunday evening. A few of the usual suspects
were there, with several of them worked on both
2m and 70cm, all FM mode and all 2.5 watts
(except 5 watts for G4BLH).
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
2m |
Brierfield |
Mike |
2m |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
2m |
Connahs Quay |
Helen |
2m |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
70cm |
Wigan |
Ian |
70cm |
Connahs Quay |
Helen |
70cm |
2E0NHM |
Warton |
Nigel |
2m |
Bury |
Steve |
2m |
I did it again after work on Monday 4th June
2007, and it was a lovely hot sunny afternoon in
which I could bask on the rocks. 2m rather
quiet, and six stations worked in unhurried
style. My opening call of "CQ Connahs Quay" was
answered immediately however. Rather spooky when
I realised what the initials of Connahs Quay
were when I quickly wrote the abbreviation for
the QTH down in my logbook!
Nice to work Steve G1INK/M while driving home,
Steve was walking up to
Shining Tor G/SP-004. Even better to hear
him for SWL points on 5MHz back at home in the
shack, then work him on two HF bands, 40m and
10m. Jimmy also worked him on 40m,
which might just be Jimmy's first HF chaser
point! Thanks to the following stations,
each worked on 2m FM with 2.5 watts:
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
Little Huyton |
Chris |
Warrington |
Paul |
Blackrod |
Laurie |
Warrington |
John |
Tuesday 5th June 2007, and a slight difference
this time. Not on the way to or from work,
but in between dropping Jimmy off and picking
him up later from Air Cadets; an evening sorte
to try to coincide with Mike GW0DSP's "Tuesday
Night Is SOTA Night" / "SOTA Fun Evening". This
was a great success with activators into double
figures around the country. I didn't have 2m SSB
due to not having the battery sorted for the 817
yet, but the VX-7R coupled with the SOTA Beam
gave great results. 22 contacts, including 5
S2S. All on 2m FM with 2.5 watts.
Great fun - nice one Mike.
Foel Fenlli NW-051 |
Ron |
Stockport |
Pete |
2E0CRX/M |
West Bolton Services |
Steve |
2E0EDX |
Blakcpool |
Ian |
Kirkby Moor LD-049 |
Sam |
Hope Mountain NW-062 |
Mike |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
Wigan |
Mike |
Macclesfield |
Allan |
Dalton-in-Furness |
Jordan |
Knutsford |
John |
Shining Tor SP-004 |
Steve |
Brierfield |
Mike |
Walton Hill CE-002 |
Brian |
2E0NBR |
Burton-on-Trent |
Steve |
2E0KPO |
Burton-on-Trent |
Sharon |
Warrington |
John |
2E0RDU |
Stretford |
John |
Wigan |
Ian |
Wigan |
Ian |
Royton |
Phil |
Connahs Quay |
Helen |
Wednesday 6th June 2007 was the more usual "on
the way home from work" destress session, just
over a quarter of an hour on air, and six
contacts in the book, including some nice chats
with John M0AAS and Mike GW0DSP. At this stage I
noticed that I had done 403 SOTA activations,
and so have crept over the line into the
exclusive 400+ club with GM7PKT, G3CWI, DL2HSC
and G1INK. I'm the only one out of the five that
isn't MG. Well, there's no rush, is there?
Many thanks to the following, all worked on 2m
FM with 2.5 watts (except G4BLH where 5 watts
was needed):
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
Brierfield |
Mike |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Warrington |
John |
2E0NHM |
Warton |
Nigel |
Wigan |
Ian |
Thursday 7th June 2007 saw
me back to the end-of-week pre-work visits.
I didn't have much of a time window due to
needing to collect a parcel from the sorting
office, which didn't open until 7am. I
recognised Steve G1INK's car at the
Cloudside parking spot, and sure enough
there he was on summit with his HF multiband
dipole. He wasn't having much joy though on
SSB with the microphone. It's like shelling
peas up there at that time on 40 CW! Go on
Steve, you know it makes sense ;)
Only two stations worked me on 2m FM (2.5
watts), but I needed to get to work now
anyway, what with the later start today.
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Warrington |
John |
I was running a little
late on the morning of Friday June 8th
2007, but wanted to set up properly on
The Cloud to see if the internal 2.3Ah
battery, now returned from the retailer,
had been fixed and was working. Well,
the displayed voltage certainly didn't
plummet from 11.4V to 7.1V with a single
push of the PTT, causing the set to
switch itself off! It seemed to
work OK, and allowed me around 40
minutes of using 5 watts on 2m FM, with
seemingly plenty of charge left at the
end. I did notice the occasional
momentary drop to 7.9V on the displayed
voltage while keying the microphone,
soon restored back to 9V+.
The 40 minutes on 5 watts today did not
actually reap much reward. Just three
stations, and most calls unanswered.
I couldn't even raise anyone on the
Stoke repeater, and the Manchester
repeater seems unusually inoperational.
Calls on 70cm produced nothing, and so
just before 8am, I packed up and went to
work. Thanks to:
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Bacup |
Steve |
Heywood |
Keith |
Saturday 9th June
2007 saw my 7th consecutive daily
activation of The Cloud, very early
morning. Very quiet on 2m FM, first
contact was into Nuneaton. He
couldn't believe I was using 2.5
watts from a handheld with rubber
duck! A few more trickled through
after that. I experienced a
cloud inversion this morning, my
first. Beautiful blanket of cloud
either side of the summit through
the valleys, and 100% cover as far
as the horizon to the West and
North. Then it was a
quick pack up, a dash into town to
buy Liam's 10th birthday present
ready for the following Tuesday (a
Fender Squier Strat and amp) and
pack the bags for a SOTA activating
and youth hostel trip with Jimmy and
Liam, setting off a couple of hours
later. Thanks to:
Nuneaton |
Andre |
Haydock |
Rod |
Warrington |
John |
Congleton |
Andy |
Doh. I had
intended to keep the run going,
but I was exhausted on Sunday
night after driving back from
our NP activations, still
exhausted early Monday morning,
and had a SOTA talk to deliver
to the Macc & District RS on
Monday night. So, shamefully, I
took two days off from The
Cloud. I'm sure it was glad to
see the back of me for 48 hours.
On the morning of Tuesday 12th
June 2007, the spirit was a bit
more willing and the flesh a bit
less weak, so got up at 6.20am
and made the early start to
work, after a quick elicit graze
through some of the food set
aside for Liam's 10th birthday
party later.
The summit was shrouded in
cloud, and there was no view,
just four walls of thick grey.
At least it wasn't raining. Six
stations worked on 2m FM, all
known SOTA chasers. Special
thanks to John GW4BVE who
assured me he would be thinking
about me having to work, while
he was spending a day activating
on the Lleyn with M0COP. Cheered
me up no end that did.
Thanks to the following stations, all worked
on 2m FM with 2.5 watts:
Birkenhead |
Mal |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Pool Quay |
John |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
Connahs Quay |
Helen |
Ellesmere Port |
Barry |
I got up a bit earlier the morning of Wednesday 13th June
2007, the intention being to do a 40m CW activation. This all went well
until I started on the key, which was making no sound at all. I checked the
plug, the 817 keyer settings, the paddle, but I couldn't fathom what was
wrong - until I noticed the mode was set to LSB and not CW!
Many calls on 7.032 MHz remained unanswered, apart from a "SOTA?" that came
back once. I answered this, but no further response. I noticed the SWR has
crept up a bit, so perhaps the dipole was now suffering where it has broken
and been reconnected several times on one leg. Perhaps conditions were not
favourable either; the band was rather quiet, and when I heard some static
crashes, I started to pack away, even though there was no visible sign of
impending storm activity.
Three stations were worked on 2m FM, before I retreated to the car slightly
disappointed. The 7Ah SLAB worked really well, providing a much less
stressful source of power! Thanks to the following, all worked on 5
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
Haslingden |
Tony |
Macclesfield |
Sean |
CQ CQ ... C.Q. C.Q. ... Connahs
Quay, Connahs Quay ... GW0DSP & GW7AAV
Thanks for the contacts gents, and thanks Mike for the remote logging
(not too onerous a task on this day hi!).
Arrived at Cloudside parking spot at 6.50am local on Thursday 14th June
2007 in heavy rain and strong cold wind. I sat for 10 minutes in the car
thinking about not bothering, especially when I realised I didn't have a
hat or any waterproofs with me. I found an old bomber jacket in the boot
and used a sunhat to keep my head dry (it worked!), wearing shorts and
trainers - what a sight! Nobody around to see me thank goodness.
Went for it, and the weather didn't seem too bad, especially in the
shelter of the trees, climbing the stairs. It wasn't even too bad
out on the fellside. I made contact with Mike GW0DSP, then the weather
got really nasty, with a significant drop in temperature, huge increase
in wind and heavier driving icy rain. Time for a sharp exit. Worked
GW7AAV, then no further takers on my QRG or on S20.
Back to the car, heater on full blast, shorts soaked and depressing news
about childhood obesity. Took my mind of this with a stop off at
Pittshill Oatcakes on the way to work for a Triple Decker bacon, cheese,
sausage and black pudding special. With a pint bottle of fresh orange
juice to ensure that it was a healthy breakfast. Thanks to the
following, both worked on 2m FM, Mike with 2.5 watts, upped to 5 watts
for Steve:
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
With Jimmy sleeping off his LD-013 trip, and Liam &
Marianne sleeping off some hard partying, I sensed an opportunity to
sneak out early on Sunday 17th June 2007 to that little activated
summit down the road.

40m CW was in great shape, and I tapped out 27 contacts on the key,
including a summit-to-summit with a DM activation, which was the
highlight. The DXCC count was 7 with contacts into G, GW, GM, EI,
HB9, F and DL. No OK, ON or HA today. I had a go at 40m SSB, with
the help of a spot by GW7AAV. I could hear Steve on the frequency,
but he couldn't hear me. I did manage to work Richard G3CWI 7 miles
away, but that was my one and only contact on 40m SSB. I made 9
contacts on 2m FM, including more S2S, and yet some more on 40m CW,
to complete a very satisfying activation of 37 contacts. My void of
success/skill/luck/conditions/know-how on HF SSB continues; thank
goodness for CW.
I was back in Macc by lunchtime to celebrate two birthdays. Firstly
round to my 92 year old Nanna's house, and later out for beer and
curry with my old school mate Steve. Their respective birthdays fell
on the same day last year as well - spooky.
Thanks to the following stations, all worked using 5 watts:
Germany |
Heinrich |
40m |
CW |
Chichester |
John |
40m |
CW |
Pignicourt |
Ghislain |
40m |
CW |
Butterberg SX-068 |
Joachim |
40m |
CW |
Haag |
Fred |
40m |
CW |
Pasques |
Christian |
40m |
CW |
Buron |
Stephane |
40m |
CW |
Warstein |
Jo |
40m |
CW |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
40m |
CW |
Cumbernauld |
John |
40m |
CW |
Dun Laoghaire |
Peter |
40m |
CW |
Dresden |
Bernd |
40m |
CW |
Biedenkopf |
Friedrich |
40m |
CW |
France |
Michel |
40m |
CW |
Reims |
Andy |
40m |
CW |
Laussnitz |
Fred |
40m |
CW |
Bensheim |
Fritz |
40m |
CW |
Aire Sur La Lys |
Andre |
40m |
CW |
Grossenlupnitz |
Gerhard |
40m |
CW |
Heiligenberg |
Michael |
40m |
CW |
Tresse |
Laurent |
40m |
CW |
Zurich |
Ambrosi |
40m |
CW |
Chamarande |
Lionel |
40m |
CW |
Rhobell Fawr NW-021 |
Richard |
40m |
M62 near Oldham |
Dick |
2m |
FM |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
2m |
FM |
Chester |
Mike |
2m |
FM |
Burtonwood Air Base Museum |
Tom |
2m |
FM |
Ellesmere Port |
Barry |
2m |
FM |
Macclesfield |
Richard |
2m |
FM |
Stirling |
Glyn |
40m |
CW |
Lichtenstein |
Frank |
40m |
CW |
Germany |
Joe |
40m |
CW |
Wigan |
Mike |
2m |
FM |
A49 near Oulton Park |
Roy |
2m |
FM |
Macclesfield |
Sean |
2m |
FM |
I was up early on Monday 18th June 2007, so went for
a pre-work Cloud activation rather than post-work. Despite my early
rise, I was sluggish getting out of the house, and then inexplicably
missed the turnings to North Rode, so ended up approaching via
Congleton town centre. Oh well, I couldn't be bothered with HF
anyway, so made do with a "cheap" activation with handheld on 2m FM,
using 2.5 watts. As ever, the ubiquitous GW0DSP was first to greet
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Carrington |
John |
Macclesfield |
Greg |
Penketh |
Dave |
I was on a course on Tuesday 19th June 2007,
which was a 9.00am start as opposed to 8.30am for work. However,
it was a further 20 minute drive through the city, the net
result being an extra 10 minutes to play radio before work.
I was up and running on 40m CW with 5 watts by around 7.30am
local. Two DLs, an HB9 and a CQ (Connahs' Quay) were worked
before packing up. Just prior to descent, I called on 2m FM with
2.5 watts on the VX-7R, and worked SGB and DSP. Pleasant early
morning activation.
Heiligenberg |
Michael |
Guben |
Frank |
Hofstetton |
Niklaus |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Bury |
Steve |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
The Cloud summit was visited again on the
morning of Wednesday 20th June 2007. It was very
sunny, and warm out of the wind, but chilly in the wind
which was lively across the top. I have never ever see
anyone up here at this time of a morning, so I set up right
across the paths at the top. Two dog walkers walked across
within ten minutes. I made a mental note not to make such
complacent presumptions in the future. No problems, except
for one dog that wanted to shake itself dry next to me, and
then lick my face. I hope the quality of my CW didn't suffer
at this point!
There were some very strong signals from HB9, DL, F and GW
this morning, in a total of 7 contacts on HF CW. Five
contacts, including four regular breakfast club members were
worked locally on 2m FM also. I was out of the house by
6.25am today, but still needed more time! Thanks to
the following stations, all worked using 5 watts:
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
2m |
FM |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
2m |
FM |
2W0IBM |
Bwcle |
Alan |
2m |
FM |
Buron |
Stephane |
40m |
CW |
Dresden |
Joachim |
40m |
CW |
Haag |
Fred |
40m |
CW |
Biedenkopf |
Friedrich |
40m |
CW |
Warrington |
John |
2m |
FM |
Ellesmere Port |
Barry |
2m |
FM |
Heiligenberg |
Michael |
40m |
CW |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
40m |
CW |
Dusseldorf |
Paul |
40m |
CW |
On the morning of Thursday 21st June 2007, I was sitting out
of a strong wind while operating CW, a spot from which I wouldn't have any
sort of take-off on 2m from the handheld (except for GW0DSP who, in the best
scouting tradition, is well-prepared with excellent receiving antennas, and
can hear me from parts of this summit that other stations cannot reach).
I worked 2 DLs, and an HB9 on 40m CW, and a GW on 2m FM, sat down with a
flat battery and a rubber duck:
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Germany |
Dieter |
Heiligenberg |
Michael |
Hofstetton |
Niklaus |
Five days away from Bosley Cloud. How we missed each
other. Anyway, back on my favourite hill for Tuesday Night Is SOTA
Night, 26th June 2007. I had quite a good night. Only one S2S -
Mike GW0DSP/P on Hope Mountain GW/NW-062; I
managed to miss Les, Terry, Barry and anyone else that was out, but I
got about the bands and modes for a change. I optimistically alerted for
six band/mode combinations. I actually managed four of these plus one
other. I worked on 2m FM, 2m SSB, 2m CW, 70cm FM and 6m SSB. I think I
will try to concentrate on either 2m/6m SSB/CW in future, as my
operating time window is relatively limited - limited to between
dropping off Jimmy, and picking him up again from the Macclesfield ATC
I have carefully timed the driving, walking and set-up/packing-up and
now know that if I am totally organised, I can be QRV from 1850 to 1950
on Tuesdays. Maybe we could even have a featured band/mode of the week?!
I just wish I'd made more of 6m tonight. Thanks to the following
stations, all worked on 5 watts:
Hope Mountain NW-062 |
Mike |
2m |
FM |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
2m |
FM |
Ewloe |
Paul |
2m |
FM |
Connahs Quay |
Helen |
2m |
FM |
Stafford |
Tony |
2m |
FM |
2E0NHM |
Warton |
Nigel |
2m |
FM |
Wigan |
Mike |
2m |
FM |
Hope Mountain NW-062 |
Mike |
2m |
CW |
Church Stretton |
Peter |
2m |
CW |
Bolton |
Ross |
2m |
Wigan |
Ian |
2m |
Cyrn-y-Brain |
Dave |
6m |
Blackrod |
Laurie |
70cm |
FM |
Ten hours away from Bosley Cloud. How we missed each
other. I was up somewhat later on the morning of Wednesday 27th June
2007, so there was no chance of an HF activation. This was more
about my morning pre-work exercise than anything, but the VX-7R and
the logbook and pencil went into the fleece pockets for the walk.
I did put a spot on for "QRV in 10 mins" from the Cloudside parking
area, but I hadn't alerted on SOTAwatch. Hence the otherwise
ubiquitous GW0DSP didn't show up, although his CQ neighbour GW7AAV
did. That was after the only other caller of the morning, M3PTI from
It was bright and dry, but it still seems rather cold for the middle
of summer. The following were worked on 2m FM with 2.5 watts:
Sneyd Green |
Brian |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
Thursday 28th June 2007 saw another 'breakfast
club' activation, but this time I had gone to bed earlier, got
up earlier and set off earlier. All this meant that I was on
summit by 0655 local and QRV by 0705 local.
A pleasing activation, all on 40m CW, 11 contacts from 4 DXCC
entities - F, HB9, DL and GW. At the end, I thought a S5
(Slovenia) station was calling me, but another station thought
he was calling him and was answering. I tried once, and I'm sure
S58MU came back to me, but it was difficult in the QRM from the
other station who thought it was his QSO. It was 0747 local, so
beyond my "cut-off" time to pack up and get to work, so I gave
up on this one. At 0754 local, I was packed up, and tried one CQ
call on 2m before departing the summit. No answer, so off I
went, although I saw later on the Spots that GW0DSP had heard me
- he had worked me on CW earlier though.
Beautiful sunshine and clear blue sky, just a little chilly at 8
degrees Celcius, so I was sat in my thick Regatte fleece, fleece
hat and Berghaus jacket. Pleasing activation. 5 watts were
used on 40m CW as follows:
France |
Alain |
Hofstetton |
Niklaus |
Bensheim |
Fritz |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Buron |
Stephane |
Bavaria |
Gerd |
Guben |
Frank |
Mansle |
Dick |
Germany |
Dieter |
France |
Hans |
Haag |
Fred |
A rare Fridy after-work one from me on the
29th June 2007. It was supposed to be a before-work
one, but it ws chucking it down here in Macc at 0600 local.
I rolled over and had another hour's kip instead.
After the traditional after-work Friday, five-a-side
football, I passed up on the traditional Friday
after-five-a-side pint and made for The Cloud. It was a
beautiful late afternoon/early evening (I couldn't decide
whether to send GA or GE in my calls!) with very clear
views, the Welsh mountains could be seen beyond the
unmistakeable profile of The Wrekin
40m CW was great fun, with a little pile-up and 12 stations
worked from six DXCCs - DL, F, HB9, GW (one guess), HA and
PA. 2m FM from just the handheld was also enjoyable with 8
stations worked from two DXCCs (two guesses...).
A very enjoyable activation. I might boycott that pint
again... Power used was 5 watts on HF and 2.5 watts on
Haag |
Fred |
40m |
CW |
Germany |
Konrad |
40m |
CW |
Reims |
Andy |
40m |
CW |
Budapest |
Bischof |
40m |
CW |
Arosa |
Kenton |
40m |
CW |
Guben |
Frank |
40m |
CW |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
40m |
CW |
Heiligenberg |
Michael |
40m |
CW |
Sainte-Marie de Gosse |
Christophe |
40m |
CW |
Tresse |
Laurent |
40m |
CW |
Anna Paulowna |
Age |
40m |
CW |
Biedenkopf |
Friedrich |
40m |
CW |
Ellesmere Port |
Barry |
40m |
CW |
Broughton |
Arthur |
2m |
FM |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
2m |
FM |
Oldham |
Dick |
2m |
FM |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
2m |
FM |
Warrington |
John |
2m |
FM |
Macclesfield |
Greg |
2m |
FM |
Gorton |
Harold |
2m |
FM |
My next activation of The Cloud G/SP-015
was Tuesday 3rd July 2007. It seems everyone was
looking for me on 2m FM. I was virtually exclusively on
2m SSB in the contest. It was a "Shall I,
shan't I" afternoon, but ultimately I decided to do it.
After dropping Jimmy off at Air Cadets, I made the 20
minute drive to Cloudside, speaking en route to Mike
GW0DSP/P was was already operational from
Hope Mountain GW/NW-062.
There was one sharp shower on The Cloud, but it soon
passed with sufficient operating time remaining to
mostly dry off. I made ten contacts in the contest on 2m
SSB. It could have been more, but I wasn't close enough
to the beam to be rotating it according to stations
heard or desired headings for CQ calls. This was because
the weather made me selected to operate from the bottom
of a large hole on the summit, in which I could get a
small degree of shelter from a large vertical rock. My
SOTA Beam was mounted high above me, on the lip of the
side of the hole, hence out of reach.
This was quite good fun, and I look forward to doing a
better job in the contest on a nice dry warm summers
evening in the coming weeks. Richard G3CWI/P was
extremely strong as expected from the next hill over the
Dane Valley, but he was not SOTA qualifying, for he was
operating from his car! And he wasn't on a SOTA
summit... I spent some of the time calling in to others'
calls, and some sat on 144.319MHz calling myself. After
packing away, I made one CQ call on 2m FM on the VX-7R,
but this remained unanswered, so I switched off and
Back in the car, I spoke to Mike GW0DSP/P again, who was
about to escape the heavy rain on his side and go QRT.
Many thanks to the following stations, all worked on 2m
SSB with 5 watts:
IO83WE Sutton Common |
Richard |
IO83JF Cyrn-y-Brain |
Dave |
IO93AO |
Chris |
IO83WN |
Phil |
IO84KD |
Ivan |
IO83UJ |
Ian |
IO83VI |
Peter |
IO92IR |
Tim |
IO84JE |
Nick |
IO92FM |
Bob |
On the morning of Wednesday 4th July
2007, I was up and away nice and early, but the
weather looked grotty. Stations on the GB3MN
repeater reported it was indeed horrid in the
Manchester area, while a station driving down the M6
through Cheshire reported a "dry corridor". It
looked dry between Macc and Bosley Cloud, with no
imminent threat, so I walked up from Cloudside
confident of staying dry.
I did stay dry, end enjoyed 45 minutes on summit.
The 40m dipole was deployed, but having not alerted,
I was never going to be busy. F6ENO came back to my
very first call, and then spotted me; much
appreciated. I then worked HB9AAQ, DJ5AV and DL6UNF,
all regulars. There was also something like DL4ZBY/P
in there, but he didn't respond to my reply to his
call. That was it for 40m CW, not a surprise really
with the early hour and no alert.
I then called on 2m FM and worked GW7AAV and M3ILV,
before chatting to G3REM/M via GB3VT repeater during
the descent.
France |
Alain |
Haag |
Fred |
Heiligenberg |
Michael |
Guben |
Frank |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
Haslingden |
Pete |
Thursday 5th July 2007 brought my favourite CW activation so
far. It is always fantastic to hear the DL, HB9, F amd GW prefixes
roll in; they are so reliable! But it was superb this morning to also hear
LA, S5, OE and SP call me. With a rare call also from G land, this made 9
DXCCs worked on the activation this morning. Many thanks to all that called.
Certainly, the addition of an alert, albeit late last night, made a
difference. I supplemented this with a "QRV in 45 mins" spot just after
leaving home at the early time of 6.10am BST. Just before I made my first
call, I heard someone tuning up on 7.032. I thought I would have to find
somewhere else, but my QRL? remained unanswered. My very first call was
replied to immediately by two HB9 stations, so I presume the tuning was one
of them getting ready for me. Many many thanks!
I was commencing my ascent at 6.35am local, so ahead of schedule. My
improving fitness was reflected by a rapid ascent time, and my increasing
experience with the 40m antenna was reflected by a quick set-up time. I was
QRV by 0551 UTC (6.51am local) and soon working the two HB9 stations. There
then seemed to be a gap, and I thought that after the two that were up early
looking for me, it might go pretty quiet. However, I was called by an LA
station, which triggered 40 minutes of steady contacts. Very enjoyable, and
thanks to all for working me at my speed.
F5AKL was my final contact on 40m CW, and within another ten minutes I had
packed everything away and made a call on 2m FM. GW7AAV and GW0DSP were
worked, but no-one else called. I had started my descent by the time M3PXW
called in. I couldn't hear him myself from the wrong side of the summit, but
heard Mike talking to him. I glanced at my watch and decided that I didn't
have the time to leg it back onto the summit to give Barry the point - sorry
The timing turned out to be perfect today, being able to drive to work,
change into my suit and present myself in morning briefing thirty seconds
ahead of its commencement. Excellent stuff. Let's do it again tomorrow...
Thanks, again, to all the stations that called me. Having 13 amateurs from 9
DXCCs in their shacks so early and working me at 12wpm is very gratifying,
and genuinely appreciated. The following stations were all worked
using 5 watts on 40m CW, except the last two, which were with 25. watts on
2m FM:
Hofstetton |
Niklaus |
Arosa |
Kenton |
Stathelle |
Aage |
Grenoble |
Jean Eve |
Heiligenberg |
Michael |
S58MU |
Gorenja Vas |
Milan |
Muenichsthal |
Karl |
France |
Alain |
Koszalin |
Andrzej |
Germany |
Prestwich |
John |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Reims |
Andy |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
I am pleased to report yet another splendidly enjoyable
activation of The Cloud on Sunday 8th July 2007. On Saturday night I had
decided to treat the family to a meal at the excellent Chesters
restaurant in Macclesfield. It was clear that Marianne, Jimmy and Liam
all intended using most of the morning to sleep off their feast (and
wine), so I sneaked out just after 6am.
It was a beautiful warm, clear and sunny morning, and it was gorgeous up
on The Cloud. I set up for 40m CW and got straight to work at 0614z on
7.032MHz. I worked three chasers, but was soon swamped by many calls of
"CQ TEST" by stations that obviously couldn't hear me. I decided that
40m CW was probably not the best place to be right now and set up the
SOTA Beam, which I had also brought up with me.
Several stations were worked and I mentioned that I was going to try
some 2m CW while working around a net of Bolton stations on 145.575MHz
FM. One of them - Jean G0WBT from Horwich - immediately said that she
would follow me down there as she wanted a 2m CW QSO. I had a nice CW
chat with Jean, and then Ken GW3SRT/P, who tail-ended.
A return to 2m SSB saw many more 24 hour contest stations, and the 5
watts from the FT817 and SOTA Beam had no difficulty in working into G,
GW, GM, GI and EI. I was surprised to hear CW on 144.325MHz in the
contest. It was GI4GTY/P who I had already worked on 2m SSB, but I
called him again to get another 2m CW contact!
Another try on 40m CW saw wall-to-wall contest stations, but I did
manage to answer a CQ call from GB2IWM ("Imperial War Museum" IIRC) for
a single contact before returning to 2m. Five North-West chasers were
worked on 144MHz FM, during which Mike GW0DSP offered to spot me on a
clear frequency on 40m CW (Peter ON3WAB was not the only one to suffer
the inconvenience of forgetting the mobile 'phone!). This time I got a
great run working regular CW SOTA chasers in F, G, HB9, EI, OK and DL.
It was great to work Roy G4SSH/A, as I know he had been looking for me
from Cornwall. The last CW contact of this mini-session came from Fried
OE8GBK/8 on Kabesnock OE/KT-118 for a summit-to-summit. This was
excellent, but then the frequency became swamped with chasers calling
Fried, so I ducked out and returned to 2m.
A run of nine contacts on 2m SSB was followed by five on 2m FM which
included summit-to-summits QSOs with Tim 2E0KEA/P on
Shobdon Hill G/WB-017 and Geoff
MW3SFN/P on Waun Fach GW/SW-002.
These were thanks to tip-offs from Mike GW0DSP. He also advised that
John G4YSS was on 7.032MHz CW from Great Whernside
G/NP-008. I heard a strong signal from John, operating as GX0OOO/P
and responded to his call. There was a massive pile-up, but to my
astonishment, John called me in first! This was another very pleasing
QSO, as John is another who has encouraged me greatly with the CW, but
this was our first actual contact.
It was now time to go home and touch base with the family. Marianne
served up a welcome lunch of bacon and cheese baps with cheesy beans,
then we were off out in the car after prising Liam away from Scrapheap
Challenge on the telly. Marianne said that she fancied a walk up
Shining Tor G/SP-004, but I convinced her that
The Cloud G/SP-015 was a much more attractive walk. She agreed, and we
made out way there after coffee and scones at the garden centre. While
partaking in our afternoon snack, there was a little thunder and then
ten minutes of the most incredible heavy rain. Water was gushing off the
awnings outside the tearoom in incredible volumes. Little were we aware
of the hair-raising experience of our fellow Maxonian on
Bishop Wilton Wold G/TW-004 at that time!
(Richard G3CWI was very nearly struck by lightning up there).

I was pleasantly surprised to find parking spaces available at Cloudside
at that time on a Sunday afternoon. We walked up onto the summit, and
for me, it was my second ascent of this hill today. My activation
records would indicate a gap of 3 hours 40 minutes between consecutive
contacts! Jimmy and I set up for 2m SSB, while Marianne and Liam lay
basking in the sunshine for a while and then went off to explore the
rocks. Eleven Backpackers Contest stations were worked, including
summit-to-summit contacts with Charlie GW0PZO/P on
Moel y Gamelin GW/NW-042, Keith G8HXE/P on Gun
G/SP-013 and Steve G1INK/P on Cross Fell
This left Jimmy with one contact to make to get his four. (Yes, believe
it or not, this was Jimmy's first visit to The Cloud in 2007!). He
called on S20 and worked Steve M0SGB on 2m FM. Back in the car, we were
increasingly following the Wimbledon final on BBC Radio 5 Live. We
called in at The Rushton Inn for a pint of Bosley Cloud (appropriately
enough) and watch Rafael Nadal outclass Roger Federer to go 4-0 up in
the fourth set of the Wimbledon final. We made it home in time to watch
most of the deciding fifth set, which Federer deservedly won.
Some statistics:
Jimmy M3EYP/P: 1439 to 1507 UTC, 4 contacts; 3 x 2m SSB, 1 x 2m FM, 3
Tom M1EYP/P: 0614 -1503 UTC, 71 contacts; 14x40m CW, 23x2m FM, 3x2m CW, 31x2m SSB, 7 S2S, 10 DXCC.
Sincere thanks to everyone that worked us on the various bands and
modes, all on 5 watts:
Haag |
Fred |
40m |
CW |
T |
Delden |
Hans |
40m |
CW |
T |
France |
Alain |
40m |
CW |
T |
Horwich |
Jean |
2m |
FM |
T |
Bolton |
Alfred |
2m |
FM |
T |
Bolton |
Reg |
2m |
FM |
T |
Bolton |
Kevin |
2m |
FM |
T |
Skelmersdale |
Pete |
2m |
FM |
T |
Warrington |
John |
2m |
FM |
T |
2E0JAC/P |
Great Eccleston |
John |
2m |
FM |
T |
2E1INY |
Fenton |
Ian |
2m |
FM |
T |
Wigan |
Jack |
2m |
FM |
T |
2E0XCB |
Newcastle-under-Lyme |
Des |
2m |
FM |
T |
Horwich |
Jean |
2m |
CW |
T |
5km SE of Welshpool |
Ken |
2m |
CW |
T |
IO82NN |
2m |
T |
Congleton |
Andy |
2m |
T |
IO74AI |
2m |
T |
IO93AD |
2m |
T |
IO74WV |
Peter |
2m |
T |
IO93WH |
2m |
T |
IO84BT |
2m |
T |
EI9E/P |
IO62OM |
John |
2m |
T |
IO92XA |
2m |
T |
Chester |
Mike |
2m |
FM |
T |
near Caergwrle |
Charlie |
2m |
FM |
T |
IO83QE |
2m |
T |
IO74AI |
2m |
T |
IO91RU |
2m |
T |
IO92FM |
2m |
T |
Imperial War Museum |
40m |
CW |
T |
2E0EDX |
Blackpool |
Ian |
2m |
FM |
T |
Ellesmere Port |
Barry |
2m |
FM |
T |
Brierfield |
Mike |
2m |
FM |
T |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
2m |
FM |
T |
St Helens |
Mike |
2m |
FM |
T |
France |
Michel |
40m |
CW |
T |
Cornwall |
Roy |
40m |
CW |
T |
Zurich |
Ambrosi |
40m |
CW |
T |
Chamarande |
Lionel |
40m |
CW |
T |
Dublin |
Michael |
40m |
CW |
T |
Pignicourt |
Ghislain |
40m |
CW |
T |
Czech Republic |
Jarda |
40m |
CW |
T |
Germany |
Guenter |
40m |
CW |
T |
OE8GBK/8 |
Kabersnock KT-118 |
Gottfried |
40m |
CW |
T |
IO83VQ |
2m |
T |
EI3Z/P |
IO53WI |
2m |
T |
Walsall |
Graham |
2m |
T |
Dukinfield |
John |
2m |
T |
Windy Hill IO83AO |
Phil |
2m |
T |
Wigan |
Mike |
2m |
T |
EI7T/P |
IO62JI |
2m |
T |
2E0NHM |
Warton |
Nigel |
2m |
T |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
2m |
T |
Wirral |
John |
2m |
FM |
T |
2E0KEA/P |
Shobdon Hill WB-017 |
Tim |
2m |
FM |
T |
Broughton |
Arthur |
2m |
FM |
T |
Waun Fach SW-002 |
Geoff |
2m |
FM |
T |
Wirral |
Brian |
2m |
FM |
T |
Great Whernside NP-008 |
John |
40m |
CW |
T |
Moel y Gamelin NW-042 |
Charlie |
2m |
T, J |
IO92IQ |
Tim |
2m |
T |
IO83GC |
Rhys |
2m |
T |
Gun SP-013 IO83XD |
Keith |
2m |
T, J |
Cross Fell NP-001 IO84SQ |
Steve |
2m |
T, J |
IO83LA |
Stephen |
2m |
T |
IO83KC |
Howell |
2m |
T |
IO84KE |
Nick |
2m |
T |
IO91AW |
Anthony |
2m |
T |
JO01HP |
Paul |
2m |
T |
Bolton |
Ross |
2m |
T |
Bury |
Steve |
2m |
FM |
J |
I was still very much in "play radio" mood after the previous day's antics,
and so made for The Cloud after work on Monday 9th July 2007. The original plan
was to concentrate on 40m CW, and so the dipole was set up mounted on the
fishing pole. It was warm with blue sky, but with menacing dark clouds a few
miles away in all directions. When spot of rain appeared on my rucksack and on
my face without it appearing to be raining, my mind recalled Richard G3CWI's
unpleasant hair-raising experience from the previous day, when only a Silva
compass saved him from a volt or two.
I maintained a careful eye and ear on everything for signs of electrical
activity, and began to consider my escape plan should anything start to buzz or
crackle. Thankfully, it did not, and instead, the clouds parted and moved ever
further away, opening up a wider expanse of clear blue sky above and allowing
the warm sun to shine through.
40m CW was slow going, so after four contacts I decided to give 40m SSB a try.
First I worked a handful on 2m FM, and used this as an oppotunity to get Mike
GW0DSP to do the spot for me. GW4BVE greeted me on 7.095MHz SSB, but he was the
only one. However, John's remarks about conditions prompted me to have a look at
6m, and sure enough it was open.
Stations from Portugal and Gibraltar were worked on 6m CW, followed by a
different Gibraltan on 6m SSB. This was using the 40m dipole which has always
seemed to give acceptable VSWR and acceptable results on 6m. Mike GW0DSP and
Steve M0SGB then turned up on 6m SSB, before I worked Mike on a fourth band/mode
combination on 6m CW. A Spanish station tail-ended Mike on 6m CW for yet another
SOTA DXCC. After packing up, a call on 2m FM from the handheld produced a run of
six stations, including four from Macclesfield.
The SLAB was in the shack on trickle charge, so for the first time in ages, I
was back to the old routine of using the internal 2.3Ah battery in the FT-817. I
therefore started on 2.5 watts, but then switched to 5 watts on 6 metres. Nearly
two hours of operating did not produce any evidence that the battery was getting
flat, so I was quite pleased with that.
Stats: operating 1544 to 1752 UTC, 22 contacts;
4 x 40m CW, 1 x 40m SSB, 10 x 2m FM, 3 x 6m SSB, 4 x 6m CW, 7 DXCCs.
Many thanks to the following stations worked during this activation:
Wakken |
Peter |
40m |
CW |
2.5 watts |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
40m |
CW |
2.5 watts |
Stranraer |
John |
40m |
CW |
2.5 watts |
Cornwall |
Roy |
40m |
CW |
2.5 watts |
Warrington |
John |
2m |
FM |
2.5 watts |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
2m |
FM |
2.5 watts |
Bury |
Steve |
2m |
FM |
2.5 watts |
Ellesmere Port |
Barry |
2m |
FM |
2.5 watts |
Pool Quay |
John |
40m |
2.5 watts |
Raul |
Lisbon |
6m |
CW |
5 watts |
Ernest |
Gibraltar |
6m |
CW |
5 watts |
ZB3B |
Ronald |
Gibraltar |
6m |
5 watts |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
6m |
5 watts |
Bury |
Steve |
6m |
5 watts |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
6m |
CW |
5 watts |
Pineiros-Naron |
Ramon |
6m |
CW |
5 watts |
2E0CRX |
Manchester |
Steve |
2m |
FM |
2.5 watts |
Widnes |
Jim |
2m |
FM |
2.5 watts |
Macclesfield |
Greg |
2m |
FM |
2.5 watts |
Macclesfield |
Sean |
2m |
FM |
2.5 watts |
2E0BAX |
Macclesfield |
Sean |
2m |
FM |
2.5 watts |
Macclesfield |
Andy |
2m |
FM |
2.5 watts |
I was up and out very promptly on Tuesday 10th July 2007. I was calling
on 7.032MHz CW between 0540 and 0555 UTC, with no takers. I then operated on 2m
FM (2.5 watts) from 0555 to 0625 UTC with four stations worked in rag chew mode.
My working frequency was 145.475MHz.
The weather was fine and I was definitely there! Thanks to:
Gatley M60 J3 |
Steve |
Leigh |
Robin |
High Lane |
John |
Congleton |
Andy |
Low cloud and fine drizzle was what I woke up to on
Wednesday 11th July 2007. The Cloud was in cloud. I got up at six, but
didn't leave the house until seven. I edited my alert to 0640z, a time 25
minutes later than originally advised. My drive to Bosley was in horrible
squally drizzle, and I wasn't relishing the walk. However, Cloudside was
more in cloud than rain, and I felt quite snug and dry in my waterproofs.
After the walk to the top, I worked Mike at 0638 and Steve at 0642, both on
2m FM with 2.5 watts, either side of my alert time of 0640, which also
matched the time of Mike's spot on me! However, it was deathly cold for
July, so in the absence of further callers, I descended back to the car and
went to work. Thank you CQ town (again).
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
What a difference an alert makes! This morning - Thursday
12th July 2007 - no alert. This morning, no chasers from CQ Town! Not
deliberate, I just wasn't organised that well. I could not get any
interest from my calls on S20, although the band wasn't dead with three
simplex frequencies in local use. I went to the GB3MN repeater and mugged a
couple of commuters. Then strolled downhill to the car and resumed my own
commuting. Working conditions were 2.5 watts from Yaesu VX-7R,
operating on 2m FM:
M60/A580 junction |
Keith |
Carrington |
John |
It was all wet an' 'orrible this morning - Friday 13th
July 2007 - and I was tired after last night's pub quiz exertions. Quite
why I walked up Bosley Cloud I don't really know, but I did and made six
contacts on 2m FM with 2.5 watts. I could have practically written
the log in advance... Thanks lads.
This was my 67th activation of this summit in the SOTA programme.
Carrington |
John |
Warrington |
John |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Ellesmere Port |
Barry |
2W0IBM |
Bwcle |
Dave |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
I must be slacking. (Or the weather must be absolutely bobbins). Just
the one Cloud activation from me in a whole week, on the afternoon of
Tuesday 17th July 2007, on the way home from work. Nothing special,
mainly 2m FM handheld activation, with one contact on 70cm (G6GVI).
All conducted in a most relaxed and unhurried style, with each QSO
taking an average of six minutes. Certain people will be wondering
what has happened to their standard five chaser points per week
guaranteed retainer. All stations worked on 2.5 watts except 5
watts used for 2E0NHM at the end:
Macclesfield |
Ronnie |
Bolton |
Ross |
Macclesfield |
Phil |
Ellesmere Port |
Barry |
Connahs Quay |
Mike |
Connahs Quay |
Steve |
2E0NHM |
Warton |
Nigel |
The next phase of activations of The Cloud in 2007
began with the visit to it during our
Gritstone Trail walk in late July. Read about this, and
subsequent 2007 activations in the "The Cloud 2007 (2)" page below: